Robert Vaughn Young – Mike Rinder’s Predecessor Who Rinder Taunted Relentlessly for Having Cancer Writes Rinder an ‘Open Letter’ Before he Dies

RVY 01

Robert Vaughn Young preceded Rinder as the head of Dirty Tricks. He left Scientology in the 90’s and contributed some of the best critical writing on Scientology. He died of cancer in 2003.

Scientology Historic Blockbuster: Steven Fishman’s “Lonesome Squirrel”

Book cover Steven Fishman Lonesome Squirrel

Statement by the ostensible Scientology “critic” Tony Ortega: “As we began reading “Lonesome Squirrel,” we realized that some of the people named in it have, 20 years later, come out of the church. So we reached out to them and they confirmed for us that nothing in the book associated with them actually happened. “Lonesome … Read more

The Sworn Declaration of Senior Scientology Executive Vicki Aznaran

Scientology Executives

Daniel Leipold Hagenbaugh & Murphy 2 701 South Parker Street, Suite 1200 Orange, California 92668 3 (714) 835-5406 Mark Goldowitz 1611 Telegraph Ave., Suite 1200 5 Oakland, California 94612 (510) 835-0850 Special Counsel for Defendant Lawrence Wollersheim 7 Lawrence Wollersheim 8 P.O. Box 10910 Aspen, Colorado 81612 9 (303) 650-3336   SUPERIOR COURT OF THE … Read more

How the Anti Cult Movement Harms Ex-Cult Members

the anti cult movement

Adopting the beliefs of the anti-cult movement dramatically changes the views and attitudes of those who experience a loss of faith. Those changes have a profound effect on how Exes make sense of their own past. So we must ask: How helpful is the ideology of the anti cult movement in making sense of your life?

I Cancel My Criticism of Nora Ames as a “Fake Critic of Scientology”

Nora Ames @OhnoNora

My criticism of Nora Ames that I made last year on her LIVE, which she courageously put up on her screen, where I said that I thought she was a “Fake Critic of Scientology” I’ve now cancelled. Before that incident, I had every reason to believe it. She’d spent more than a decade covering up … Read more

Scientology Has Deleted Its Bible

Scientology Books in the Trash -

One of the things that no one seems to be talking about in the incredibly craptastic social media based “Scientology Community” is that all those books by L Ron Hubbard pictured above – the Technical Volumes (red) and the Organizational Executive Course volumes (green) – are no longer for sale and are not available to … Read more

Paris Cashin Throws Me a Softball

Paris Cashin

Paris Cashin, who often appears as a smart and supportive commenter in many Ex-Scientologists’ youtube channels, threw me a softball question the other day. Paris Cashin appeared in comments when I first started up and she was incredibly supportive of me. Not so much any more because “she supports women”, and I guess that means … Read more

The Scientology 2nd Gen Sympathy Grift

The Scientology 2nd Gen Sympathy Grift thumbnail

New video released today. TRANSCRIPT: This is Alanzo with I was 16 years in Scientology 15 years in anti Scientology. And now I have been 9 years out of both. This Month is Alanzo’s 40th Year Since Walking Into Scientology at 23 I used to say eight, but July 2024 is the 40th anniversary … Read more

The RinderNinnie Character Assassination SubReddit “SPTV_Unvarnished” Operates Just Like OSA

SPTV_Unvarnished Reddit Header

Behavior Control, Information Control, Thought Control, Emotion Control – where have we seen this before? “Serasaurus”, who is a fellow Opus Dei-Level Catholic with the colossally hypocritical Stefani Hutchison, censors the discussion of Aaron Smith Levin in her sub – even though the sub is entirely devoted to discrediting him. No disagreement is allowed. No … Read more

Aaron Smith Levin and Marisa Sigmond Are Running Scientology’s Lies On the Death of Kyle Brennan

Marissa Sigmond Aaron Smith Levin Mike Rinder

The Church of Scientology’s shore story on the death of Kyle Brennan continues to be run on social media in order to block the truth of what happened. But are they OSA Agents who are running these shore stories? Or are they “trusted” Anti-Scientologists?

Is Aaron Smith Levin Still Covering Up for Mike Rinder?

I Aaron Smith Levin Still covering up for Mike Rinder

Aaron Smith Levin has admitted that two victims of Scientology child rape have been keeping themselves silent for YEARS for “the greater good” of his position on the board of the Aftermath Foundation. This makes me sick to my stomach.

Scientology and the Aftermath S2E1: Mike Rinder Silent About the Procedures He Developed to Suppress Victims of Sexual Abuse in Scientology

Mike Rinder Scientology and the Aftermath

REPOSTED 31 JANUARY 2024. ORIGINALLY POSTED SEPTEMBER 2017 – RIGHT AFTER THIS EPISODE FEATURING MIRIAM FRANCIS & SAINA KAMULA AIRED. I’ve been asking these questions for 7 years. Still no answers from Mike Rinder.

A History of Scientology Criticism: Anonymous’ Declaration of War on Scientology

Anonymous Declaration of War on Scientology

In late 2007 the media had all been shuddered into silence by Marty Mike and Dave. The only way to expose Scientology was by personal risk, by one’s self, on the Internet. Then the Anonymous collective arrived.

FULL AUDIO: Victoria Britton is Interviewed on the Death of Her Son Kyle Brennan

The Scientology-related Death of Kyle Brennan

Go into detail on the evidence at the scene, the lying by Clearwater police, Kyle’s father Tom Brennan, David Miscavige’s sister Denise Miscavige, and just some of the horrific things Victoria Britton has had to endure. Find out what David Miscavige, the Clearwater Police, the Pinellas County Judicial system, and even some “Anti-Scientologists” don’t want you to know. This interview gives you the information you need on the death of Kyle Brennan.