lambs to slaughter

Sacred Cows + Siege Mentality = Sheeple

Sheeple. An actual mathematical formula for them. I’m not kidding. I think Carl Sagan wrote about it once: Ask Neil Degrasse Tyson. It describes a fundamental property of all human groups: not just Scientists and … Read more

going clear wins three emmys

The Reich is Askew

The Reich is askew, yawing badly. All but the most delusional have abandoned ship. The Dwarfenführur launders his own soiled underwear today.

thinking with scientology is a trap

Scientology is a Trap

Alanzo on August 29, 2015 at 8:41 pm said: I think the discussion here is interesting, but as long as you are using Scientology to think with, you will never get out of its trap. … Read more

harvard medical

Dr. John Gordon Clark on Scientology Auditing

The best, most succinct description of Scientology auditing ever by Dr. John Gordon Clark of Harvard Medical School: “Auditing is a simple, thoroughly designed means, of concentrating the mind to the state of a controlled … Read more

God and the Devil Walk Into a Bar

God and the Devil walk into a bar, sit down and order a beer. God says, “I think I’ll start a religion.” The Devil says, “Great idea. I’ll organize it.”

david miscavige of the church of scientology

In Defense of David Miscavige

This is a post sent to me by another very smart commenter on the Post-Scientology Internet named “StatPush”. I think it provides a viewpoint on David Miscavige and the Church of Scientology that you don’t … Read more

scientology organizations

How Big is Scientology – Really?

Mike Rinder posted a graphic which proves that the Church of Scientology lies to the world about their size, and the rate of their growth. They, in fact, are shrinking, while they tell the world, … Read more