Sam Harris on Atheists Appearing Just as Stupid as the Craziest of Religious Nutjobs

The Problem with Atheism

Along with Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett and Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris is considered one of the “Four Horseman” of New Age Atheism. He has a degree in philosophy from Stanford University and a Ph.D. in neuroscience from UCLA. He is also a practicing Buddhist. While avoiding the direct criticisms of atheism that I’ve laid out … Read more

The Heartbreak of an Ex-Scientologist

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When you’ve spent so much of your life supporting & defending all the good you’ve experienced in Scientology and you finally become aware of the people the leaders have harmed, there’s a heartbreak that occurs which, in the case of too many Ex-Scientologists, is not survivable. You trusted these leaders to uphold the ideals that … Read more

Congratulations to Rod Keller for Getting the Ultimate GET: Dr Eileen Barker of the London School of Economics Interviewed!

Dr Eileen Barker

This is a person who has studied minority religions all her life, and who does not take any crap from anyone. She had ‘entheta’ books on her shelf and Church of Scientologists wanted her to take them down. “No”, she told them. And while happy to have their books on her shelves, she runs her … Read more

Principal Hypnotizes Students Without a License, Contributing to the Deaths of 3

Former North Port High School Principal Kenney admitted he hypnotized 16-year-old Wesley McKinley a day before the teenager committed suicide in April 2011. A subsequent investigation found that Kenney hypnotized as many as 75 students, staff members and others from 2006 until McKinley's death.

This is a story that is directly related to Scientology because Scientology technology hypnotizes people in a very similar way to the techniques used by this Principal on his students – all without a license. Real hypnotists, as well as state regulators, understand the need for licensing: BECAUSE HYPNOSIS IS DANGEROUS IF YOU DO NOT … Read more

Hypothesis Testing

The Thinker's Toolkit by Morgan Jones

There’s a really good book, written by a former CIA analyst, called “The Thinker’s Toolkit”. This book contains 14 tools of structured analysis which can be used to help you figure things out. A structured analysis is a technique that police detectives, FBI agents, CIA Analysts, and others use to investigate something without letting emotions, … Read more

Discussion: The Limits of Science

Debbie Cook Holding Emeter Cans

1. Science is limited to what can be tested. 2. Do things exist which can not be tested? Examine Number 1 above. – Tell us whether it’s true. Ask yourself Number 2 above. – Tell us what you come up with. Start

To Fully Understand Scientology, You Can’t Use Scientology to Understand It

Move on down the road from Scientology

Sounds kind of circular, doesn’t it? Well it is. Most Scientologists are stuck in the circular trap of trying to use Scientology to understand Scientology. You can see them on the Internet, using an LRH reference to explain another LRH reference. For example: How do we know the reactive mind exists? Because we have engrams … Read more