Scientology Tax Exemption: A Curious Timeline
As with so much regarding Scientology, what you are told about its tax exemption does not add up. If you examine the facts, only more questions emerge.
Critical Thinking on Cults & AntiCults
As with so much regarding Scientology, what you are told about its tax exemption does not add up. If you examine the facts, only more questions emerge.
Frank Parlato, a Real Investigative Journalist, Has Become Interested in Reporting on Scientology. And it Couldn’t Come Soon Enough.
In 2011, Mike Rinder traveled to Trinity College in Ireland to debate why Scientology is a religion. I mean if he traveled all the way there to say this – he must have meant it – right? His co-star Leah Remini, after being a Scientologist for 34 years, now says Scientology is not a religion. … Read more
Former ED International of the Church of Scientology Bill Franks Reveals L Ron Hubbard’s Efforts to Create Brainwashing in Scientology.
After almost 40 years of fairgaming Gerry Armstrong, Scientology’s truculent mouthpiece, Kendrick Moxon, filed a 133 page application to California law enforcement for the arrest of Gerry Armstrong.
Leah Remini has been believing Mike Rinder’s lies for years. Putting him on TV, using all her contacts in Hollywood, etc. When will she wake up?
Leah Remini and Mike Rinder have tried to say anyone who criticizes them is a Scientologist. Because who else could criticize the holy work that they are doing?
Sitting there in that locked room, with two Scientology salespeople, I said, “Wait a minute, Tim. I got into Scientology to win at life, not to lose at it. Declaring bankruptcy is losing at life.”
Aaron Smith Levin breaks the story on the Scientology inside machinations to cause Whitney Mills to commit suicide. Another Lisa McPherson.
Mark Bunker and Aaron Smith Levin say they’re going to “Do Something About Scientology” if you elect them to the Clearwater City Council. But their behavior tells a different story.
Jeffrey Augustine shares his beliefs about his past lives to filmmaker Jeffrey Peixoto for the eruptively insightful Scientology documentary “Over the Rainbow”.
Steven Mango presents more evidence that Karen de la Carriere and Jeffrey Augustine were running a Scientology auditing scam together, and keeping it publicly hidden. They were publicly presenting themselves as Anti-Scientologists.
This lecture was deemed confidential and delivered only to highly trained “OTs” and auditors who paid for the Class 8 Course. I believe this lecture culminates his beliefs about everything that is wrong with Earth, and with all of us. I believe this is L Ron Hubbard’s Cosmology. I believe this describes, along with his … Read more
The reason this guy has to lie about me is that the truth is too boring to instill fear and hysteria in others, so he lies.
The Dossier Project: Eight women who’ve been been accused of being “brainwashed sex slaves” in the global media deconstruct this superstition for all to see.