I Cancel My Criticism of Nora Ames as a “Fake Critic of Scientology”

Nora Ames @OhnoNora

My criticism of Nora Ames that I made last year on her LIVE, which she courageously put up on her screen, where I said that I thought she was a “Fake Critic of Scientology” I’ve now cancelled. Before that incident, I had every reason to believe it. She’d spent more than a decade covering up … Read more

Trauma Bonding With Gerry Armstrong

Gerry Armstrong

My latest video on Mike Rinder and Marty Rathbun taking over the discussion of Scientology on the Internet in order to revise history and distract from Scientology’s crimes, and the perplexing mystery of how the Church of Scientology was ever granted tax exempt status, even through their criminality had been proven – in court – … Read more

Aaron Smith Levin’s Spectacular Exposure of the Covert Anti-Scientology Tactics To Control What You Think & Feel

Leah Remini Chrissie Bixler

Aaron Smith Levin has finally seen what he needs to see about how he has been played by Mike Rinder, Marty Rathbun, and David Miscavige. Aaron is finally now revealing what we have always needed him to reveal so we can all make more informed decisions on Scientology and Anti-Scientology. Sorry I’ve been so hard … Read more

Nora B Ames Presents Her Theory on How Zero Dark Tony Could be Working for OSA

Nora B Ames on Zero Dark Tony

Nora Ames from her Oh No Nora Youtube Channel details her views on Zero Dark Tony, who has – no doubt – been completely sadistic and cruel to her, and to Vanessa La Rose. His kind of cruelty is just beyond comprehension to me. I’ve spoken to Tony on the phone and personally slammed him … Read more