what post-ex is not

An Example of What Post-Ex Is Not

Views: 1I am presenting this piece of writing which appeared on ESMB recently as an example of what I believe to be a pathological state of mind for an Ex-Scientologist to develop. This particular Ex-Scientologist … Read more

lawrence wright

Lawrence Wright’s Questionable Metaphor – A “Prison of Belief”

There is a point at which this metaphor becomes an exercise in thought-stopping: A person accepts it as an explanation for why Scientologists do what they do in the way that Larry and other anti-Scientologists describe, and that’s all you need to know. It seems to explain everything when, in fact, it explains very little.

statue plato

After Scientology, It’s a Choice

Views: 1When I was first getting out of Scientology around 13 years ago, I was talking to an ex-Scientologist who worked at the Lisa McPherson Trust. She received phone calls and emails from people getting … Read more

gene pool uncle sam

Internalizing the Criticisms of Shallow Assholes

Self-invalidation and self-disgust for having been a Scientologist is a common result of trying to graduate from Scientology. In some places on the post-scientology Internet, it becomes an unspoken penance to be endured before we can truly be considered by others to be “out” and no longer a stupid and deluded cult moron.


Good Grief

Views: 0My best friend died last November. Yesterday, I was in a business meeting with a new client at her business. A person from my friend’s old workplace stopped in to call on my new … Read more

lambs to slaughter

Sacred Cows + Siege Mentality = Sheeple

Views: 1 Sheeple. An actual mathematical formula for them. I’m not kidding. I think Carl Sagan wrote about it once: Ask Neil Degrasse Tyson. It describes a fundamental property of all human groups: not just … Read more


Recovery From Scientology: What is That, Exactly?

Views: 1I hear people talking about recovering from Scientology. What does that mean? Is there an “End Phenomenon” to that? I have definitely changed quite a bit since getting out of Scn 13 years ago. … Read more