L Ron Hubbard

Was L Ron Hubbard Perfect?

When a Scientologist leaves the Church of Scientology and sees the information on L Ron Hubbard’s real life outside the glossy brochures printed by the Church, internal conflicts result. These internal conflicts can swirl around … Read more

Was L Ron Hubbard perfect?

Fanaticism, Criminality, and Abuse in Scientology

Scientologists aren’t squirreling Scientology when they apply Fair Game to their “enemies”, they are applying 100% standard Scientology. Thus, I contend that all fanaticism, criminality, and abuse that comes from Scientologists, either in the Church … Read more

logic and reason scientology

The Bottom Line on Scientology

If you are a highly trained OT in Scientology, you should be able to use logic and reason to defend it. So many trained OTs can not defend Scientology rationally. In fact in 18 years … Read more