Apparently, nobody’s running the store over at the Ex-Scientologist Message Board since Ethercat left suddenly a few months ago, refusing to comment on what made her leave.
I guess this is how ESMB will end.
Does anyone care?
I think the question on everyone’s mind right now is “Where will HelluvaHoax go? Does ESMB have a retirement plan for its biggest, most posting-est asshole?”
He spent so much time there frittering away his golden years in crusty underpants, what will he do now? Who will have him?
Such a shame.
Apparently, the paradise of ESMB is a Potemkin Village, with lots of juicy stories simmering just under the surface. Long time ESMBer Free Being Me just let one fly at Emma:
This just makes me wonder why ethercat had to leave so suddenly if this is the result?
The firefight continues on ESMB. Emma (Michelle Sterling) lays into Free Being me with this reply!
That’s my Emma! Appreciative of all her little ESMBers and all their contributions to her message board.
Free Being Me fires back!
I think what FreeBeingMe seems to be missing is that ESMB is Emma’s Board. It’s like her own backyard barbeQue and everyone else is just a guest there. It doesn’t matter that 99.999% of the food (content on ESMB) was created by other people than Emma, and that Emma has everyone else pay for the board – it’s HER BOARD!
Jeez. I wish FBM would get that through her skull!
But while Mommy and Auntie FBM fight with each other, what will happen to HelluvaHoax! Where will he go once ESMB collapses in a deluge of spam and in-fighting??
Stay tuned: Alanzo Critic Enterprises might just have a solution for HelluvaHoax! and all of the other senior citizens who will be thrown out onto the street and without a home soon. If things keep going the way they have since Ethercat mysteriously left ESMB, HelluvaHoax!‘s trash can fire might be coming in handy!
Next, FreeBeingMe gets a good rogering…
RogerB says:
Notice that this rogering includes RogerB speaking for the whole board. These are the times when you start to see the long time feuds that members of message boards engage in, acting like a dysfunctional family, swooping in and sniping at each other any chance they get.
This really is a good one. I expect that just about every member of the board is going to empty the benches and come after Free Being Me. Soon she’ll be suspected of going back in to Scientology and quite possibly being an OSA-paid agent provocateur.
Pass the popcorn people! We got a LIVE ONE!
FBM responds to the rogering she got!
Alanzo, checking his balls, has no comment at this time.
IToldYouIWasTrouble, after deleting her (his?) first post because of a lack of interest, stands up and speaks.
HelluvaHoax! takes an infrequent break from posting at ESMB to wash the crustiness out of his underpants.