Why is Anti-Scientology So Impotent?


Hello. This is Alanzo at Alanzosblog.com

I was 16 years in Scientology, 15 years in anti Scientology, and I’ve been 8 years out of both writing about each.

I’ve been in anti Scientology for 25 years, and this is what I’ve seen:

Okay, so I’m being critical, and people think that if I’m being critical, I’m trying to destroy you. No, I’m not.

I’m trying to point out things from the viewpoint of being in this movement for 25 years, and showing you that I have never seen a successful criminal indictment of any senior Scientology official. Their tax exemption is completely intact.

Their child trafficking practices are still going on.

25 years. I’ve seen complete impotence no matter who was at the helm, Mike Rinder, Leah Remini, Tony Ortega, all of these various people have been unsuccessful in reaching these three goals.

So I want to talk about this.

3 goals of anti-scientology

So stopping Scientology’s child trafficking. How is that done? Is that done by standing outside of LaPoubelle restaurant and saying, “It’s a rape factory!”, “Cover your drinks, Cover your drinks!”, getting assaulted, getting restraining orders put on you, all of these things?

Scientology’s Child Trafficking

How is standing outside of LaPoubelle restaurant ever going to stop Scientology’s child trafficking? It’s a real question. If anybody’s got an answer to that, let me know what would be a more effective alternative.


What are the actual legal statutes of child trafficking?

Who are the specific individuals who have been trafficked?

What exactly were their experiences, and how do those stack up to Scientology’s child trafficking practices?

Now I know that Valeska Paris has a lawsuit brought by Neil Glazer, the guy that is bringing the NXIVM lawsuit, and I’m hoping that they can get to the meat of the actual child trafficking statute.

Once Valeska wins their lawsuit, and they get paid all the money they deserve, then hopefully law enforcement will step in and be able to execute some criminal indictments and get the senior Scientology officials criminally indicted for their specific actions committing child trafficking.

After 25 years, that’s what I’m looking for.

Getting Scientology’s tax exemption revoked

How is standing outside LaPoubelle restaurant and hating on the owner there for her support for her friend who brought a lot of business into her restaurant? How is hating on that, that old woman, ever going to get Scientology’s tax exemption revoked?

It won’t, and I’ve been showing how they (Scientology) did not ever blackmail the IRS into receiving tax exemption. Instead, they filed fraudulent claims in order to get tax exemption. Those fraudulent claims can be proven in court, and we have the person with the legal standing, Gerry Armstrong, who can bring this suit if he can get into court with it. So that’s how Scientology’s tax exemption is going to get revoked.

Now, instead of standing outside of LaPoubelle restaurant, what if you stood outside an IRS building and instead of yelling at a low level Scientologist on the street, what if you yelled at an IRS official saying this particular lie was placed into a filing to get Scientology’s tax exemption as he’s going into work in the morning, for instance. And he goes in as he goes, “Okay, hold on, what were the filings?”

You know, he starts talking among people at the IRS regarding this. Wouldn’t that be better than yelling at the old lady that owns LaPoubelle restaurant? I think so.

So getting Scientology senior officials criminally indicted, there is a lawsuit by the Jane Does that is being brought against senior Scientology officials in the Danny Masterson case, where it is obvious and it is well known that witness intimidation was practiced by senior Scientology officials in this felony case.

Indicting Scientology Officials Criminally

Now, I’m not a lawyer. I don’t know if intimidating witnesses in a felony case is a felony. I don’t know if those things actually follow that way.

But there is the story of Lisa Marie Presley and how she was going to testify at Danny Masterson’s trial, on which senior Scientology official got her to go to Jane Doe one and intimidate her into not going to the police.

These can bring very penetrative criminal indictments, that brings forensic accounting, that brings the confiscation of files and other evidence that then bring about actual prosecution and conviction, like happened in 1977 where Mary Sue Hubbard’s L Ron Hubbard’s wife, and 11 top officials were prosecuted and went to prison for felonies that they had committed. We need to get that done again.

You know, people say, “Well, Alanzo, you think they have a right to religious freedom. So why are you talking about this?”

Religious Freedom has nothing to do with criminal activity.

Sun Yung Moon, dozens of Catholic priests, Warren Jeffs of the FLDS, all of these people had the right of religious freedom, and they all got prosecuted for criminal acts and went to prison.

One of the things that Mike Rinder said all the time, “well, they’ve got this, this religious freedom clause in the First Amendment, and that’s why Scientology can’t be prosecuted.”

I actually talked to a person that Mike Rinder had ‘handled’ in Clearwater. He ran Cult City Tours, and he told me over and over that Aaron Smith-Levin and Mike Rinder told him that Scientology can’t be prosecuted, that all you can do is make fun of them.

And I’m like, What? Are you kidding me? They told you that? Yes, it is clear. It’s true. Alanzo!

No, no, it’s not true. And I talked to him about the Catholic priests who have gone to prison, Warren Jeffs and Sun Young Moon and others – the leader of the Moonies – went to prison.

They had committed criminal acts, and they were prosecuted in court, found guilty and went to prison. The First Amendment did not protect them from criminal prosecution.

So that scene that I started with the guy that grabbed the baton and moved everybody down the alley and into a brick wall?

That’s Mike Rinder, and I’m watching to see if that’s Aaron Smith Levin now too.

Because you know what, by getting all these protesters to stand outside LaPoubelle restaurant, when these three things are the actual goal? I’m wondering if Aaron learned from his mentor.

Was he really duped, or was he an understudy of his mentor, Mike Rinder?

So I’m just going to leave that with you now. Skepticism is required. Blind loyalty to your anti cult leader is absolutely not required. Questioning is required if these are our goals, then what the hell are we doing?

All right.

Over and out.

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