The Scientology 2nd Gen Sympathy Grift

The Scientology 2nd Gen Sympathy Grift thumbnail

New video released today. TRANSCRIPT: This is Alanzo with I was 16 years in Scientology 15 years in anti Scientology. And now I have been 9 years out of both. This Month is Alanzo’s 40th Year Since Walking Into Scientology at 23 I used to say eight, but July 2024 is the 40th anniversary … Read more

Corey Andrews Transcript: Steven Mango Exposes Karen de la Carriere’s Scientology Auditing Scam

Steven Mango video exposing independent scientology

Steven Mango talks about dealing with Karen de la Carriere who plays both sides delivering Scientology auditing – charging 10s of thousands – while criticizing the tech & saying it doesn’t work.

Karen de la Carriere’s Scientology Auditing Scam

Steven Mango Karen de la Carriere Jeffrey Augustine

Steven Mango details his experience getting Scientology auditing from Karen de la Carriere, her attempts to get more & more money out of him, steering him away from actual mental health counseling at one of the lowest, most suicidal points in his life circa 2017.

Steven Mango’s 2nd Video Exposing Karen de la Carriere & Jeffrey Augustine’s Scientology Scam

Karen de la Carriere Jeffrey Augustine Over the Rainbow

Steven Mango presents more evidence that Karen de la Carriere and Jeffrey Augustine were running a Scientology auditing scam together, and keeping it publicly hidden. They were publicly presenting themselves as Anti-Scientologists.