Mike Rinder’s History of Pretending to be a Critic of Scientology

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Gerry Armstrong is secretly videotaped by Mike Rinder and Others Claiming to be “LRH Loyalists” in an Attempt to Entrap Him. It Didn’t Work.

After leaving Scientology, Gerry Armstrong was declared a Suppressive Person and marked Fair Game by the Church of Scientology for revealing Hubbard’s true biographical information which proved much of what Hubbard wrote about himself in his “About The Author” sections of his books, and told about himself in his lectures, were lies.

After the Church of Scientology supposedly settled with Gerry in court, Gerry was followed, photographed, videotaped and harassed. Attempts were made to run his car off the freeway.  On top of all that, the Church of Scientology, including Mike Rinder, set him up in a sting operation involving a mysterious group of Scientologists called “The Loyalists” in 1984.

The “Loyalists” were supposedly a group of high ranking members of the church who were dissatisfied with how David Miscavige was running Scientology after Hubbard had gone into hiding.  Hubbard eluded the law after the government raided the church and sent ten top officials to prison.  Hubbard remained in hiding for the rest of his life.

The “Loyalists” turned to Gerry for “help” in planning a coup with which they would gain control of the church.  Gerry met with two representatives of The Loyalists to discuss possible scenarios.

The first person Gerry met was a man named David Kluge who met with Gerry on November 7th and 9th of 1984.

Next, Gerry met another member of The Loyalists…Mike Rinder.  Mike Rinder was the head of the new Office of Special Affairs which is the “dirty tricks” branch of the church.  Rinder met with Gerry on 2 days.  First on November 11th and then again on November 30, 1984.

Gerry didn’t know that these meetings in the park were being videotaped by a Scientology hired P.I. and that both Kluge and Rinder were wired.

Here are the recordings of Mike Rinder’s meetings with Gerry Armstrong.





















These tapes were used by Scientology in the civil trial involving Julie Titchbourne in Portland, Oregon in 1986.  Julie sued the church for fraud and Gerry was called as a witness.  To try to discredit Gerry as a witness in that trial, the church played these tapes, but they had been heavily edited to make Gerry look like he was committing a crime.

After the trial, the jury was polled and it was very clear that the church’s plan backfired.   Most jurists agreed that the tapes made the church look terrible.  Furthermore, Gerry appeared to be a good man trying to help clean up the corruption in the church.

This same jury found Scientology guilty of defrauding Titchbourne and awarded her a massive $39,000,000 victory.

Next, the church took these tapes and turned them into a 20 minute video which they sent to media outlets to discredit Armstrong.  This truncated version was narrated by Heber Jentzsch and edited by a woman who would one day be another thorn in Scientology’s side, Stacy Brooks.

Is Mike Rinder Still Working for the Church of Scientology?

When I was first getting involved in Scientology, in 1984, I was shown the Church’s tape to convince me that “evil SPs were out to destroy the Church”.

Mike Rinder had posed as a “loyalist” to LRH who only wanted to rid the Church of David Miscavige in order to restore “true Scientology” once again.

When Mike Rinder first emerged from the Church in 2009 on Marty Rathbun’s blog – both men claiming to be ‘Independents’ loyal to Scientology and to LRH, but not to David Miscavige, I was worried that this was yet another false flag operation. The words and actions of both men have shown that scenario less likely now.

But because Mike Rinder has never revealed a crime in 12 years of being out, despite running the Office of Special Affairs for 22 years for David Miscavige, I’m still not completely convinced that they were not running another false flag operation for Scientology when they left the Church and began ‘speaking out’.

After all, this is Scientology: It is in Scientology technology and policy to run such false flag/controlled opposition operations. And Marty Rathbun, Mike Rinder and Dave Miscavige have factually taken over the Cult Awareness Network and destroyed the Lisa McPherson Trust – their major opposition at the time. The idea that Marty, Mike and Dave would follow policy and try to control their opposition again – with billions of dollars now at stake – has a likliehood greater than zero, in my opinion. For them, Scientology was ALWAYS a money-making scam and never anything other than that.

They lied way too much to Scientologists and to the world as top Execs of the Church to convince me otherwise.

But they could be exactly who they say they are, too. That is a scenario which also has a likelihood greater than zero.

BOTTOM LINE: The more you know about Scientology, its policy and the history of these particular men, the better off you are in getting at the truth.

For more videos on this False Flag Operation by Mike Rinder and the Church of Scientology, see this link.

12 thoughts on “Mike Rinder’s History of Pretending to be a Critic of Scientology”

  1. Gerry Armstrong comes across as a man who is trying, through disbelief that others can be completely callous, to articulate the importance of basic human dignity. It is sad that his good intentions were betrayed.
    These videos gave me insight into the ways that years of betrayal changed Gerry Armstrong. I hope he can find his way out of the tunnel he was driven into by betrayal after betrayal.

        • You know, Eileen, Gerry Armstrong has taken a lot of criticism over the years. He’s been put through the ringer by Scientology.

          In fact, there was a time when almost the entire Internet was devoted to making everyone think that Gerry Armstrong was crazy. They were trying to discredit him, see. Someone made a comment about how Mike Rinder was STILL doing that to Gerry Armstrong after he got out of the Church.

          So I’m on the lookout for people who try to make Gerry seem crazy. Sorry, but I am.

          So what do you mean by “tunnel vision”?

          And what do you think about his ideas?


          • Alanzo,

            Rinder actually did it in one of those sting videos, acted like what Gerry told him had been done to him was ‘a little incredible’ to him, his whole attitude was like that Gerry was crazy.

            It’s in this one, which is cued right to the part where Gerry starts talking about being driven into.



  2. :The words and actions:

    If it was assessed what words and actions would sway others to believe it *wasn’t* a False Flag action, what would those be?

    Seems like it would be quite within the realm of possibility that these would then be incorporated into any such plan – especially by men and women of no conscience.

  3. I don’t know what to say. I’m sure someone could dig up something I did mean to someone in 1986.

    Alanzo I am sure you do this for a reason. Do you want MR to apologize publically? Or just acknowledge every single person he has hurt or tricked?

    Perhaps Mike doesn’t even remember?

    • There are a lot of things that Mike could be doing for the specific people he has harmed – not people David Miscavige has harmed, but Mike Rinder.

      He has been out for 8 years now and he has never once addressed anyone he harmed besides Tory Christman and Chuck Beatty. He has operated on L. Ron Hubbard’s Bean Theory of Truth and Reconciliation – “whatever beans I spend I must get more in return”.

      He’s been very good at that, and now he even has his own TV show.

      He shouldn’t just be spending beans, he should be spilling them.


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