Scientology and the Aftermath Participant Paul Haggis to Rape Accusers: The Sex Was “Consensual”

Paul Haggis Rape Allegations False, Says Paul Haggis
paul haggis rapeScientology and the Aftermath Season 2 participant, director Paul Haggis, was accused of rape by 4 women earlier this year. Haggis claimed that the Church of Scientology was fair-gaming him. He counter-sued her the same day she sued him. And hired a private investigator on his accuser to do a “noisy investigation” of her private life.

Earlier this month, his lawsuit against his accuser was thrown out of court, while his accuser’s lawsuit was allowed to go forward.

Today, Paul Haggis hit the press with his newest message: We had consensual sex.

Read More Here:

Paul Haggis Denies Claim He Forced Oral Sex on Sexual Assault Accuser, Says It Was Consensual

Paul Haggis Calls Rape Accusations Against Him ‘Fiction,’ Admits to ‘Consensual’ Oral Sex

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