Beginning at 1:03:01 to 1:05:33
John Poe of Poe on the Go
Well that’s a perfect segue into this question from AlanzosBlog: Can a PI use results of their investigation to publish on social media?
Jeffrey Augustine of Augustine Investigative Services
Well well..Allen’s question there is disingenuous as he is himself. There’s a difference uh, Allen, between a blogger and a PI. So what you’re trying to do here tells me you are working for OSA and no one’s going to convince me otherwise. I’m a blogger at the Scientology money project. I publish publicly available documents from the Securities Exchange Commission, from the FBI, from the Department of Justice, from court documents. So you’re trying to conflate the things that I know what the hell you’re trying to do, and that’s why I think you’re a scumbag Alanzo.
John Poe of Poe on the Go
Goldie? If you want to go ahead and take care of that. Now, here’s one….
Jeffrey Augustine of Augustine Investigative Services
Now now…see This is why he..he’s an OSA guy and he’s trying to conflate something.
John Poe of Poe on the Go
I’ve been watching the comments that have been rolling through from him and they’re pretty interesting.
Jeffrey Augustine of Augustine Investigative Services
I’m not .. I’m not playing Allen’s game. He is an old… he he… I know what he’s trying to do. No, Alanzo, you’re very dishonest. You’ve always been dishonest.
John Poe of Poe on the Go
And I thought that, but I thought that was an interesting segue into that question, though. And Emily wants to know, why are these things not considered harassment? I mean, I am sure it is a PI. Doing those things. But isn’t it illegal?
Jeffrey Augustine of Augustine Investigative Services
Well…well …here’s the here’s the thing. Going back to Allen’s question, or Alanzo’s. The Church of Scientology has plenty of photographs taken in public or data obtained from PIs on its websites. So my question to Allen is, why does the Church of Scientology hire PIs? … well some of the stuff that develops There’s photographs of me of my wife that were taken by PI’s online in social media. So the Church of Scientology has answered your question, Allen. They, there’s pictures of me and like when you’re walking out on the sidewalk, people can take your picture, and they can post it. And but what I’m doing I’ve made a very distinct difference between blogging on the Scientology money project and exposing Scientology crime, lies and legal matters. In my private investigation work is just that – it’s private.
For more information on Jeffrey Augustine and his wife Karen de la Carriere, click on the tags below, and go to Steven Mango’s Youtube Channel.