My Mind is Goin Through Them Changes

My Mind Keeps Goin Through Them Changes

It never stops, no matter what cult you’ve been in, or how old you get. This is what Buddy Miles had to say about it a few decades ago. We are not rational animals, no matter what ideal L Ron Hubbard, or greek philosopher, tried to force you to accept. The reactive mind was never … Read more

Re-Evaluating My Wins In Scientology

Re-Evaluating My Wins in Scientology

The other day, more than 14 years after leaving Scientology, I realized that one of the biggest wins I had in Scientology might not have been as valuable as I’ve been thinking it was. In the 1980’s I was the Executive Director of the Peoria, Illinois Mission. As ED Peoria, I’d written High Crime Reports … Read more

Don’t Let Your Struggle….

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It can sometimes happen to an Ex-Scientologist that they feel responsible for the abuses that Scientology perpetuates on others, even though they themselves had no part in those abuses, and could not stop them even if they tried. In some cases, they may have even tried to stop the abuses, but could not. And yet … Read more

Undercover as an OSA Agent, Part 3

Secret Agent Man

Intelligence work has greatly benefited from the emergence of cell phones. But this was 1987, and cell phones were called “car phones” then, and they were enormous bricks that were connected to the dashboard of your car by a curly wire, and only the most annoying people had them. As a result, things were happening … Read more

Undercover as an OSA Agent, Part 4

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The bar was packed. My beer was gone and someone was sitting on my stool. Yellow Badges were everywhere. I walked up to a space next to the busy waitress station and ordered another beer. Glasses were clinking, I could hear “Oh, that’s terrible!” and “You know it’s like she became a different person. She … Read more