How Karen De La Carriere Controls the Discussion on Scientology

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Originally published on April 20, 2020, this post has been updated and re-released.

On Corey Andrews new blog, and in his Facebook group called Scientology Exposé, he exposes the back-channel planning and execution for the huge amount of information control and fair game that goes on against Ex-Scientologists who speak out in ‘Anti-Scientology’.

[update 08/31/2023: Corey was finally harassed into silence by Karen de la Carriere and Jeffrey Augustine. He took his blog private a couple of years ago. Corey was never an Ex-Scientologist and the threat to his job and other tactics they employed against him had more liabilities than benefits for him – which was L Ron Hubbard’s calculus for all Critics of Scientology]

Initiated by Karen De La Carriere and Jeffrey Augustine, and paid for by the sales of Karen’s Thomas Kinkaid “business”, De La Carriere and Augustine run a network of trolls, bloggers, V-loggers and “journalists” who avoid exposing any of David Miscavige’s criminal activity, and who seek to assassinate the characters of anyone who does.

Here, for the first time, Andrews has allowed us to see behind the curtain at exactly how this works, in all its paranoia and obsessive, propeller-headed control.

Corey Andrews Becomes Disgusted By Karen de la Carriere

Corey Andrews used to be one of Karen De La Carriere’s trolls. But after almost a year of working for her, and seeing how these people actually operate from behind the scenes, he became disgusted with them – just as Exes became disgusted with Scientology – and blew the whistle.

He is continuing to blow the whistle too, despite massive Twitter and Facebook campaigns to discredit him.

Karen’s troll network is presently seeing to it that Corey pays the price for his integrity, exactly as OSA made sure that Scientology critics paid the price for theirs. They use the exact same tactics as Mike Rinder’s and David Miscavige’s OSA has since the early 80’s.

Is there a connection?

Here are the screen shots of Karen covertly running Corey as one of her operatives. This is an operation Karen ran against a Scientology critic named Micheal Hobson in the Facebook Group SPsRUs, a group she controls along with her paid helper Pete Griffiths.

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Have you been the target of one of these Anti-Scientology Information Control campaigns?

Let us know in the comments.

AlanzosBlog is NOT a Snow Suzy Property (a discussion platform controlled by Karen or Jeffrey).

You can get your message out here. We’ll make sure you are protected.

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