Aaron Smith Levin’s Spectacular Exposure of the Covert Anti-Scientology Tactics To Control What You Think & Feel

Leah Remini Chrissie Bixler

Aaron Smith Levin has finally seen what he needs to see about how he has been played by Mike Rinder, Marty Rathbun, and David Miscavige. Aaron is finally now revealing what we have always needed him to reveal so we can all make more informed decisions on Scientology and Anti-Scientology. Sorry I’ve been so hard … Read more

Thank You

Scientology Victims of Spiritual Abuse

Thank you to everyone who has worked to get the truth out about Scientology, and who helped to create justice for its victims. Alanzo

Great Comments From the Post-Scientology Internet – UDARNIK from ESMB

This one, from Udarnik at ESMB, caught my eye today. Udarnik wrote: “Man is not a rational animal, he is a rationalizing animal. – Robert A. Heinlein “I once had an argument with a Tea Partier about whether the Founders meant to establish Christianity in the US. When I used Jefferson’s quote about complete rejection … Read more