After 10 Years in Anti-Scientology, Chris Shelton is Rage-Quitting On Us All
Chris Shelton wants us to look at his content to see what kind of person he is. Let’s look at that time when he trashed Steven Mango for Karen de la Carriere.
Critical Thinking on Cults & AntiCults
Chris Shelton wants us to look at his content to see what kind of person he is. Let’s look at that time when he trashed Steven Mango for Karen de la Carriere.
FULL TRANSCRIPT: Aaron Smith Levin delivers the “official reason” he was fired from the Aftermath Foundation on the 12th of November, 2023.
Angry Gay Pope, Karen de la Carriere’s long time video editor, admits Karen is a practicing Scientologist. Why hasn’t Chris Shelton or Tony Ortega ever reported this?