Paris Cashin Throws Me a Softball

Paris Cashin, who often appears as a smart and supportive commenter in many Ex-Scientologists’ youtube channels, threw me a softball question the other day.

Paris Cashin appeared in comments when I first started up and she was incredibly supportive of me.

Not so much any more because “she supports women”, and I guess that means she doesn’t support me, even though the woman she supports regularly calls me a eunich, and not a man at all.

So I guess “I support women” means “I support misandry against men”.

But even now, every once in a while, she remains supportive of me in the cruel, sympathy-grifting, misandrist Marisa Sigmond’s chat, even though this might not raise her social profile there.

I appreciate this. Paris Cashin shows social courage when she does this.

And integrity.

But I have to say that I have been disappointed with Paris lately. And that has led me to another insight about Scientology, Ex-Scientology and Anti-Scientology tribalism.

Back when da Gumba De Garbagio, Zero Dark Tony, entered the community with his C-Word Team of Elephants, I was fascinated with the things he was talking about and who he was calling out. Both Doug and I were, and I’ll be talking about that in an upcoming video on working with Doug and his interview with Zero Dark Tony – which was another very courageous thing I witnessed, from behind the scenes, Doug do.

Everyone in the community saw me engaging with ZDT, and not publicly calling him out on his hateful and vicious misogyny and his flat out lying behavior. They didn’t see where I was laying into him personally on the phone for punching down on women and being so abusive to people who did not deserve it.

The first time I went into Marylin Hoenig’s chat to answer a question, Marylin laid into me as if I was some kind of enemy of hers. Marylin of course had been one of ZDT’s targets, and I’d even brought that up to ZDT on the phone saying she didn’t deserve it.

I have to admit, at the time, I didn’t fully understand why Marylin saw me as her enemy. When she chastised me for being in ZDT’s chat, I fired back by saying I have a right to associate and participate in anyone’s youtube channel that I want to, and no one is going to tell me otherwise.

I’ve now remembered this incident when I was reviewing why I’m so disappointed with Paris Cashin. And I have to say, if that was my defense for hanging out with ZDT, the same should apply to her hanging out with the “ZDT of the 2nd Gens”, Marisa Sigmond.

So I’m not so disappointed in Paris any more. I understand better now. All I can say to her is that when Marisa sets her sights on you, with her vicious lying and cruel hatred – exactly like ZDT does – you’ll get it.

Until then, thank you for your support.

So here was Paris’ latest question to me regarding my latest video “The Scientology 2nd Gen Sympathy Grift”.

As always, it was concise, direct, polite and extremely on topic.

Paris Cashin
Marisa isn’t even monetized why bring her into it? Neither was Doug.

If you’re actually asking, I’ll answer:

Marisa is one of the biggest proponents of what she calls “the 2nd Gen Era”. And Doug used his status as a 2nd Gen to blame his parents for his own choices as an adult – even to the point of his parents needing to put out a restraining order on him.

Recognition of the power of choice each ex had over their own actions is central to “recovery”. And obscuring the power of choice is central to generating sympathy.

A sympathy grift does not just gain money. It gains everything that comes from sympathy.

@AlanzosBlog Well put and oh so true!

The next move these guys will make, because I’ve seen it so many times before, is to accuse me of condoning Scn abuse of children.

What happened to Marisa, for instance, as a 6 year old is a true Scientology atrocity story. Absolutely horrible to do that to a 6 year old.


So if “1st Gens” are responsible for getting themselves into and out of Scn, why aren’t 2nd gens when they become adults?

If you examine this artificially created division among Exes closely enough, the whole thing breaks down and makes no sense.

But sympathy grifts usually aren’t examined that closely. Because sympathy.

@AlanzosBlog Well put. Also preying on people’s sympathy (and great point when you said mainly Christians) gives them donations and allows for folks to feel sorry for them and seems to give them the right to use that as an excuse when their actions are questionable. Hence Aaron’s famous saying I grew up in a cult what do I know? Like you’ve explained they DID have a choice!

Their choice they made unfortunately for them came with consequences. But relying on the sympathy idea somehow, they feel that “absolves” from the consequences they endured.

Yes. For instance, when Doug went around on youtube telling people he threatened the lives of his parents, people had so much sympathy for him, they said, “Well OF COURSE you threatened your parents! THEY WERE SCIENTOLOGISTS!!”

“Oh you poor thing!”

No one could see through their own sympathy for Doug. They justified & made excuses for him. No one told him that Anticultism poured jet fuel on his already pathological anger issues (which were never handled by Scientology) and caused him to destroy his own life and career as an actor.

There are lots of different sympathy grifts going on in AntiScientology right now – not all of them for money. There are some people in the community who intentionally generate tons of sympathy and hide behind it.

The main thing is, if you are a compassionate, empathetic person, watch out for people pulling on your heart strings in this community. Step back, do your own research, and realize that Scientology intentionally exploits your emotions and tries to get you to use those emotions against your own self-interests.

Many thanks to the intelligent and supportive Joe Taylor, who makes a guest appearance here.

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