Marisa Sigmond can not understand what she sees and reads. What goes into her brain always comes out wrong.
It’s like the time I tried explaining to Marisa Sigmond that I take an anthropological approach to mainstream vs minority religions and she responded by saying that her Mexican ancestors used to practice human sacrifice, so I must want to bring back human sacrifice.
Marisa, and the rest of the Scientology 2nd Gens, know that telling the truth often does not generate enough sympathy for lots of YouTube SuperChats and PayPal donations, so the goal is never to tell the truth.
The goal is always to generate sympathy.
They must embellish every story and ratchet up the sap. Never ratchet down the hysteria you are trying to generate in your donors by telling the truth – both the good and the bad. Always embellish and re-enforce the bad.
I have never claimed that children are not sec checked in Scientology, and that sec checking can be abusive to them.
I said that Marisa Sigmond’s story of getting a Joburg Sec check at 6yrs old in the course room to train auditors on the E-meter does not hold up to scrutiny.
Remember: We’re dealing with the 2nd Gen krew who covered up for Mike Rinder and ran his “Where’s Shelly??” Hoax for years. They have a proven track record of misrepresentation and outright lying to emotionally manipulate their audiences to get what they want out of them.
I mean, my god, they grew up in Scientology, what do you expect?
Well here’s what you should expect:
Grow up. Stop lying to get sympathy.
Tell the truth about Scientology. The truth about Scientology is bad enough. You may not generate the sympathy and the superchats you want if you tell the truth – both the good and the bad – but everyone will be better off, especially you.
I’ve recently awoken from a major anti-Scientology sympathy grift that has been run on me for at least 6 or 7 years now. And every day since, I have been astounded at what I allowed my own sympathy to blind me to.
Sympathy is incredibly powerful. It’s the reason sympathy is the main tool sociopaths use to control you.
There are so many sympathy grifts going on right now in Anti-Scientology. Not just the 2nd Gen Sympathy Grift. But so many others. In fact, from North to South, East to West in this “community” – it’s all some form of pity play.
And realize that where these people are directing your attention while they manipulate your emotions WILL NEVER GET ANYTHING DONE ABOUT SCIENTOLOGY. It will only get the grifters more donations, more superchats and more Patreon and GoFundMe money.
Make yourself see where you are placing your own sympathy. Do not blind yourself to what you need to see. Be skeptical and question what you’ve been told. Research Scientology and the area of “cults” generally, and look for evidence that supports the claims of anticultism – real evidence, not just some feeling you have from what you’ve been told over and over for years.
And before you spend one more dime, ask yourself if this is really going to do anything about the criminality at the top of Scientology, and getting justice for its victims. Or is it just going to go into some YouTuber’s pocket so they can continue to make YouTube videos for money.
My God this is such a shit show.