This is a guest post by the poster known as “Conan”, a frequent denizen of message boards and blogs on the Post-Scientology Internet. This post, for me, fits squarely into the category of “data of comparable magnitude” with which to evaluate the ideas in Scientology.
– Alanzo
The key to Hubbard’s bamboozle is the hiding of his SOURCES, that is the principal trick “Ron” used to create the illusion of Omniscience and his Demi- God status.
All other hypnotic tricks employed, build upon and reinforce the assumption that Ron created Scientology through preternatural insights into the nature of Reality. Once you know Hubbard’s sources, including undisclosed intentions, the entire house of cards crumbles.
Religion is a very old game and Hubbard played it for keeps.
Scientology was put together by the Founder like the old Mystery Religions. Unfortunately Scientology went the way of the ancient cults, that is mythology gone wrong, fully literalized and reenacted by the True Believers.
See This Wikipedia Article on the Greco-Roman Mysteries
Particularly, for those of Ancient Egypt see: Archeologist Shows Egyptian Religion Forms The Roots of Abrahamic Faiths “Well Known in Egypt” Ancient Christian Magical Spell Reveals Egyptian Influence
Egyptian civilization is the source of all this esoterica. Not only for the great monotheistic religions, but also for Hubbard’s spiritual mentor, Aleister Crowley, who founded his Thelema based on an epiphany he had in Cairo, Egypt in the year 1904. See Wikipedia Article on Thelema
Here is a link to Crowley’s Gnostic Church. Unlike Hubbard, he was honest and transparent about his mysteries:
Hubbard was very interested in Ancient Egypt and wrote at length what he characterized as “a religious control operation”.
The Egyptians had their wandering thetans, Ba and their version of the Genetic Entity, Ka
And a host of demons, angels, magic spells and exorcism:
New Discovery: Exorcism Love Spells
The religion of Egypt had it all. Heaven, Hell, Between Lives, Judgment and Reincarnation: Reincarnation and of course they had the ubiquitous salvation scam as well.
Here is a link to a video on The Pyramid Texts, which reveal the Egyptian’s version of astral travel and space opera:
Here is a link to the History Channel’s documentary on The Book of the Death, which are the core texts of the Egyptian Religion. You will find there the source for Scientology’s scam and spiritual blackmail:
Video Part One:
Video Part Two:
The Egyptian Kingdom of God, eventually materialized through a very long and tortuous process in what became known as The Roman Catholic Church, circa 300-600 AD; for which Hubbard also had a keen eye on its development.
See the history of Christianity here
Scholars have often remarked at the Egyptians religious devotion, particularly to the fact they had so thoroughly entangled their spiritual reality with day to day life to the point of confusion, by their extreme objectification of these mythos.
IMHO, Hubbard developed his R6 implant and space opera narrative out of the Egyptian and Christian mythologies, repackaged as pseudo-scientific discoveries.
Unfortunately Hubbard ended up implanting the faithful by the obsessive hypostatization of his Xenu cataclysm, et al. See the Wikipedia Article on the Fallacy of Reification. Just as the main religious cults have done since antiquity, but with the old agrarian era memes actualized for the space age.
It is through literalism and reification of spiritual narratives that religion creates fundamentalism.
I hope that Comparative Religion and Mythology can give scientologists a new angle to contextualize their experiences.
What if he just let his Walter Mitty’s run wild until he believed them. Eg. What would it be like to be Buddha.
“I hope that Comparative Religion and Mythology can give scientologists a new angle to contextualize their experiences.”
It really does Alonzo! 🙂 For me it helps understand the underpinning of mental structures at all. You turned me onto Michael Shermer’s work which provides a level deeper understanding of belief systems, while these comparisons with ancient religions provide relevant examples.
Great, juicy post and comments. Thanks!
Wow. Thanks for the info, very interesting. Aleister Crowley synthesized a lot of knowledge in his Thelema. He used the Monad and Infinite Space (Nuit) as the eternal interplay of creation. See and out of that paradox, developed his system.
Hubbard renamed the concept as the Static and viewpoints. But hid the source for his “mystical” insight.
Alanzo, thanks for posting this.
Absolutely Conan!
It’s important to look at Scientology from all angles, and you provided some very good food for thought.