Dodge Landesman: Anti-Scientology Protestor Soloman Was Able to Issue a Permanent Restraining Order Against Zero Dark Tony In Court

dodge landesman

Here’s more from our intrepid reporter Dodge Landesman on this highly probable OSA managed, Distraction Operation. I have no comment at this time. Nor may I have one ever. Always remember: The Church of Scientology’s primary strategy against its critics and squirrels is: DIVIDE & CONQUER It’s secondary strategy is OBFUSCATE & DISTRACT I believe … Read more

Who Was the “Senior Scientology Official” Who Ordered Lisa Marie Presley to Intimidate Jane Doe #1 From Going to the Cops?

Lisa Marie Presley Memorial

Lisa Marie Presley died before she could testify that a senior scientology official ordered her into shuddering one of Danny Masterson’s rape victims into silence. Who was it?