Beliefs vs. Facts
There is a whole lot to gain by continually reminding myself of what a fact is, vs what a belief is. Especially with regard to political and religious areas of my life.
Critical Thinking on Cults & AntiCults
There is a whole lot to gain by continually reminding myself of what a fact is, vs what a belief is. Especially with regard to political and religious areas of my life.
If you can’t believe in Atheistic Materialism, what can you believe in? Not much, if the withering skeptic Rupert Sheldrake has a crack at it. My God, if we can’t believe in Atheistic Materialism – IS THERE NOTHING SACRED??
In this short TED talk, Alain de Botton delivers a heavyweight performance. He builds a very workable connection between atheist and religious thought, presenting a way to extract the good from both for the future of society.
Along with Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett and Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris is considered one of the “Four Horseman” of New Age Atheism. He has a degree in philosophy from Stanford University and a Ph.D. in neuroscience from UCLA. He is also a practicing Buddhist. While avoiding the direct criticisms of atheism that I’ve laid out … Read more
If you understand what a belief is, you know that human existence is 99.9999% belief, and NOT knowledge. People who realize this are closer to reality than those who don’t realize it. People, like atheists, who think they are looking at knowledge when they are only looking at beliefs, are simply delusional.