Serge Del Mar Confronts Scientology Attorney in LA Court Parking Lot

Serge does not give a shred of an F.

He’ll throw down with anyone, anywhere, and at anytime if he can raise awareness of the child trafficking going on in Scientology hotels. And he can inform Scientology’s attorneys that their client might very well be committing felonies by locking up the passports of minors. Serge hopes their knowledge of this will cause them to consider their bar licenses.

You can tell, Serge Del Mar is not going to stop until these Scientology kids see justice. And no Scientology executive who engaged in these suspected felonies – whether they are still in Scientology, or if they have ‘gotten out’ – will be let off the hook.

Serge will let them know.




Here’s his video from the LA Court Parking lot today:

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