Scientology Historic Blockbuster: Steven Fishman’s “Lonesome Squirrel”

Statement by the ostensible Scientology “critic” Tony Ortega:

“As we began reading “Lonesome Squirrel,” we realized that some of the people named in it have, 20 years later, come out of the church. So we reached out to them and they confirmed for us that nothing in the book associated with them actually happened. “Lonesome Squirrel” is an incredibly creative work of fiction that has enough actual names and locations and quotations from L. Ron Hubbard’s work that it has a veneer of authenticity.”

— Tony Ortega, Why Steve Fishman — of the notorious Fishman Papers — is today serving 21 years in prison

I know people who knew Steven Fishman, and even they aren’t sure whether he was telling the truth or not.

But Vicki Aznaran, who was there at the top of Scientology International management, who personally executed these polices, vouches for Steven Fishman from her sworn knowing perspective on what Int Base Scientology was executing against Scientologists, critics and squirrels under the orders of L Ron Hubbard and David Miscavige.

Here’s what she said in her sworn affidavit:

I have examined certain documents regarding Steven Fishman’s experience with Scientology, have had conversations with Mr. Fishman’s counsel, and have reviewed the 1151-page autobiographical account of Mr. Fishman’s Scientology experience entitled “The Lonesome Squirrel.” Based upon my 15 years of experience in Scientology and my review of the Fishman materials, I offer the following conclusions:

I believe Mr. Fishman’s assertions that he was a member since 1979 and that he was as actively involved as he states. This belief is based on my experience that only a committed member of long standing would know the details of the inner workings of the group; Mr. Fishman has such knowledge. Awareness of certain confidential projects could be achieved only by a member who was trusted by the hierarchy; Mr. Fishman had such awareness. Involvement in a group that thrives on secrecy and excludes most members from participation in high-level projects means that any member who exceeds a certain level of involvement enjoys the trust of the leadership; such trust would be earned only by extended membership. Mr. Fishman enjoyed that trust. His accounts of meetings with high-level officials and his knowledge of the operations and functions of the hierarchy are so detailed and accurate that they couldn’t have been gained except through direct personal experience.

Refutation by Scientology officials of Mr. Fishman’s membership prior to February 8, 1986, and their disclaimer of his involvement and their lack of any records pertaining to such membership is perfectly consistent with their standard procedure in protecting themselves. As noted above, I was personally involved in the destruction of records when it suited their purpose. Scientology propounds the belief that any action whatsoever taken to protect the organization is justified, as the group takes precedence over the individual. Any member performing criminal acts for the benefit of the group was kept at arm’s length; if apprehended, the member was disavowed by Scientology. This procedure was used even on the wife of the founder of Scientology. Given the serious potential threat that Mr.Fishman’s defense posed to the group, I find Mr. Fishman’s account of certain members of Scientology’s involvement in the plan to fabricate the threats against Mr. Fishman and his counsel and to thereby undermine Mr. Fishman’s credibility and render him useless as a witness against Scientology to be consistent with their modus operandi.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Texas that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed this 18th day of July, 1990, in Dallas, Texas.

For the record, I’ll add my voice here: I do not believe anything Tony Ortega writes about Scientology. And that comes from decades of observing him report, and distract from, Scientology’s crimes.

So maybe that’s my bias?

Or that’s my experience.

You decide.

Do your own research, make up your own mind, and use what you have learned to GET JUSTICE FOR SCIENTOLOGY’S VICTIMS.

Without further delay, here’s Steven Fishman’s “Lonesome Squirrel” which was a monumentous exposure of the Church of Scientology which Scientology has spent decades trying to discredit.

Click the link below and the PDF will download for you:

Steven Fishman’s “Lonesome Squirrel”

Download it, read it, and give the apologeticsindex some love.

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