Did Mike Rinder or Leah Remini Reach Out To Cathy Tweed, Taylor’s Mom, and Try to Help Her Too?

Cathy Tweed ScientologistOn Episode 2 of Scientology and the Aftermath, we are taken through the tragic story of Taylor Tweed’s suicide.

We are shown the “handlings” that Taylor’s mom tried to perform to try to “get Taylor’s ethics in”, and which now can be seen to be clearly, tragically, catastrophically, the wrong thing to do for Taylor, her own daughter.

Did anyone on Scientology and The Aftermath try to reach out to Cathy Tweed, the Scientologist, whose greatest catastrophe was detailed on their show?

Or because she’s a Scientologist, did Scientology and the Aftermath just blow that off?

Suicide is an extremely complex thing. There are no guarantees. The show made it seem like if only she had seen a non-Scientology therapist then none of this would have happened. Yet people commit suicide at the most advanced psychiatric hospitals in the world, under the care of the most highly trained psychiatrists.

There are many assumptions going on here and they all blame Scientology, Scientologists, and Cathy Tweed, for Taylor Tweed’s suicide.

It’s not like that.

So let’s say it is like that. Let’s say all we need is more compassion and psychiatry in Scientology and all this would have never happened. Great. Who called Cathy Tweed, Taylor’s mother, to give compassion to her?

30 thoughts on “Did Mike Rinder or Leah Remini Reach Out To Cathy Tweed, Taylor’s Mom, and Try to Help Her Too?”

  1. “So let’s say it is like that. Let’s say all we need is more compassion and psychiatry in Scientology and all this would have never happened. Great. Who called Cathy Tweed, Taylor’s mother, to give compassion to her?”

    A&E only care about ratings, Alanzo; and if the episode would have shown such a level of compassion for Cathy Tweed as you suggested, then Mike’s and Leah’s anti-Scientology narrative would have suffered, as the audience would have allied with BOTH, Cathy and Tayler, and that wouldn’t have been good for the anti-Scientology camp.

    I wonder if Mike Rinder would be as punitive and uncompassionate with his OWN son – who works at one of the Flag orgs at Clearwater – as he was with Cathy Tweed. I wonder if he would blame his son for disconnecting from him, or if he blames the church. I wonder how would Mike feel if the production of The Aftermath decided to pick up the example of his son to be part of a Disconnection narrative, where he (Mike’s son) were portrayed as a “bad son” saying very bad things about his father in camera as one of his daughters did some years ago.

    A “bad” son that due to Scientology’s mind “control”, denigrated his own father. Would you have approved of such episode, Mike, about portraying your son as a “bad kid”? Would you? I am sure that you WOULDN’T agree to that, and yet that’s EXACTLY what you did with Cathy Tweed. Doesn’t feel the same way when one is on the other side, does it?

    Let’s do this little exercise, just for the fun of it, shall we; I am bored tonight. You all commenters here that criticized and attacked Cathy, let’s say for the purpose of discussion, that as a parent, you made some mistakes while raising your kids. Let’s say that you were very stern and strict as regards to your kid’s academics. You wanted the best for him/her, and you considered that being the most excellent student possible, was the best way to secure his/her survival. So you thought that – even though that you loved your kid more than anything – being stern (sort of like a sport coach is sometimes, you know) was the best thing to do.

    So every time that your kid got anything except an “A”, you became very furious, and punished your kid by various forms none including physical violence. But you also sort of became a little less “lovely”, a little less “kind”. But you were just pretending, you know, so as to keep the necessary “discipline” (or so, you thought) to get your kid to “raise” above his/her “weaknesses”, and “succeed” academically for the sake of his/her future.

    Your kid is sort of timid, you know, sort of reticent, and kept to himself how rejected and non special he/she felt by you. She/he didn’t really understand why you were doing what you were doing. Why you seemed to not love her/him as you used to do before she/he couldn’t keep straight “As”. Sounds like a rather familiar scenario, doesn’t it?

    Your kid has some mental problems that you never suspected, but is afraid to talk to you about it because she/he want to keep a good image for you to be proud of her/him.

    One day, his/her sadness is soooo insurmountable that she/he decides he/she is not worthy enough, and decide to take his/her own life.

    The emotional shock of this is sooo great for you, so unbearable, that you decide to feel that “God knows what he was doing”, that there must a “purpose” for his/her death as it just can’t be possible that God had decided to punish you. You are a very devoted Christian, you know. You believe in the “Word”. So when people come to offer you their condolences, you say to them, “That’s all right, I am peace with it, as I am sure that MY God, that God that I have unconditionally loved all my life, had a purpose for this and that my kid must be there with Him right now”.

    Your friends feel sort of strange with that comment of yours, but they KNOW, that you are just using an unconscious DEFENSE MECHANISM to be able to tolerate your pain of having lost your child.

    An ENORMOUS guilt feeling runs through your heart and soul, because you feel that you were very strict and stern with him/her, and the thought of it is soooo painful. But you hide it and keep this “everything is ok” attitude in front of everybody.

    Then one ASSHOLE from the “Association of psychiatrists against child abuse” gets this bright idea that many kids who kill themselves, has been subjected to extreme academic pressures from their parents. He also thinks that the majority of parents who were like this, are like that due to their “fanatical Christian beliefs”. Specifically, the “Jehovah Witnesses” to which you belong, from where you had learned that “being stern and very strict about academics” is the right way to go.

    To “prove” his “thesis” (which could very well be a correct one) this ASSHOLE from the “Psychiatric American Association Against Child Abuse”, creates this TV show to “expose” the abuses of the “cult” called “The Jehovah Witnesses”. His thesis is that those parents has been “brainwashed” by this “cult”, which has turned them into “insensitive” parents.

    As part of his Mediatic show, he seek for examples where this (the suicides) have happened, and interview the fiends of those kids that have committed suicide. As part of one specific episode, the Asshole brought some of the friends of your kid and some friends of yours that distanced themselves from you because they “escaped” from the “cult” they shared with you, and have now become apostates and “anti-cult”.

    These friends relate the story of how your kid used to tell them how you always made her/him feel unloved because of his/low grades. That he/she was always fearful of your reactions. You never knew about this. One of your old ex friends from the “cult” tells the story of how when he asked you how was you holding up 3-7 days after the suicide of your kid, you told him, “I feel at peace with it”.

    The death of your kid happened like 3-5 years ago, and it had already been PUBLICLY discussed TWICE at the “Underground Bunker Magazine for the Imprisonment of The Jehovah Witnesses’ Parents”, by some “journalist” that HATES the guts of the Jehovah Witnesses, who accused you PUBLICLY for being “insensitive” to the death of your child. All the painful memories of that horrendous event in your life were brought in full bloom TWICE by that magazine’s article.

    Then after you thought that now perhaps you can start to do some healing, here comes this psychiatrist with his Mediatic show and put you and your kid on the public eye AGAIN for a THIRD time. Photos of you and your kid when he/she was younger were shown in that episode, photos of weeks after his/her death, and texts from you when you said to your spouse that you were going to punish your kid for her low grades. Your comments are taken out of context by the audience and by everybody.

    Now, I ask this of you people who have come here to blame Cathy Tweed – and be HONEST about your answers – How would you feel and what would you think if you were the parent of this “hypothetical” example that I just described, that is SO common these days, in terms of the parent/kid dynamic regarding academics? Let’s hear your answers, because this is EXACTLY what Mike Rinder and Leah Remini did to Cathy Tweed; an act of TOTAL lack of empathy and compassion.

  2. Cathy Tweed didn’t need compassion, but her daughter did! How any mother can abandon a child like she abandoned Taylor is beyond my imagination. If this is what Scientology teaches an investigation of the religion or cult needs to be started immediately.

      • Actually what tologists are taught is how to systematically have compassion and love for others … and to withhold these attributes at the drop of a dime. Any hesitation is met with an array of BS designed to keep their members suppressed. The actions C. Tweed took are consistent with that of a robot. Who knows what she really felt. Hard to say. At this point, she is well aware that she represents a cult and chooses not to walk away. No excuse. She can’t unknow what she knows. Pretending it’s all good is pro quo for many of the long term members. They know. At some point the writing on the wall appears. Failure to respond due to ignorance or fear is no longer an acceptable response. It an excuse.

          • I guess that’s up to her. I imagine its why she stays put. I don’t think of her being punished? Her kid killed herself. She neglectedd her which helped it along. Could happen to anyone regardless of whatever faithless religion they represent. However, if you get behind the wheel of car drunk and kill someone by accident, you do life. Cathy is probably punishing herself by staying in the Church much more than those on the outside are. AND, she doesn’t get to see the shows or hear about them anyway right? Not really relevant.

            • It is relevant.

              Cathy Tweed is not responsible for any of the abuse in the Church of Scientology. She’s not a public figure. She’s not a whale who donates large sums of money to keep the Church afloat. She’s not a celebrity who’s out there trying to promote Scientology.

              She’s just a mother who has lost her daughter to suicide, and who happens to be a Scientologist.

              Just as you mention, plenty of mothers do everything in their power – the best they know how – for their daughters to help them through tough times. And sometimes those mothers lose their daughters to suicide. Can you think of anything more catastrophic than that for any mother?

              Here’s something to think about: If you want to ensure that no scientologist ever comes out of the Church, keep rubbing the suicide of her daughter in Cathy Tweed’s face. Keep being this cruel. It’s a Christmas present for David Miscavige that just keeps on giving. He says, “See how barbaric and cruel these “wogs” are? You do not want anything to do with those people!”

              You asked why Cathy Tweed is still in Scientology and hasn’t left yet.

              Could this be a reason for that?

              You know, despite what Leah and Mike want you to think, Scientologists are not pedophiles. They don’t deserve eternal punishment for their mistakes, do they?

              Don’t you think Taylor’s suicide is enough punishment for Cathy Tweed?

              So gotta ask again: How long should Cathy Tweed be punished for her daughter’s suicide?


              • What I don’t get is what side your on? There is much more tragedy happening in that church then the honor of Kathy Tweed. Maybe she has to take a hit for the team. Team shut the Fn Co$ down.

                I don’t know how you can claim to be anti scientology and even more so and X member and not want to close that place down. Its mind boggling and from what I have surfed on your blog, I’m not alone in my amusement of your lukewarm perspective.

                Mike Rinder was a complete scum bag. He destroyed hundreds of lives as a fair gamer and the ripple effect isn’t even chartable. Yet, he admits it, and exposes the church at the expense of himself. Kathy Tweed stays put living her flatliner lie. She should come on the Leah Remini show and expose her master at her expense. Put the blame on the right target. As should you.

                And to answer the time tested question ” How long should Cathy Tweed be punished for her daughter’s suicide?”

                Raising my kids in these schools, I saw plenty of shitty parenting done by OT7’s. Yes 3 off the top of my head. Covered for things like sexual perversion to simple orphaning a kid to be on course all the time.” Which this particular parents response was ” its okay, ill audit it out of her”. I happen to also suck as a parent. I paid 35K for my eldest son to do a Narcanon program in Nevada. He is a drugged out homeless person today. He literally lives in an encampment. If he chose to take his life ( not that I feel he even has one), I will be blamed forever by those who think I could have done more, loved more, given more…. I won’t be expecting people to understand or take pity on me. In fact the circles I run with, would blamed the engrained scn thinking for his lack of Medication or shrinks. Because I am totally upfront with my crappy mindset on these issues and I get called out frequently when I robotically attempt to inject into a moment with some Scn BS. Easier for me now that my mom has disconnected and hence it spilt over to all my kids childhood friends being forced to disconnect from them. Total devastation btw. And you want me to feel sorry for KATHY .. HA. She should feel sorry for me. My kids are alive and stuck living the mess of a crazy ass religion they were raised by. As I attempt to patch up their tender souls one day at a time.

                • I meant to say in regards to How long should Cathy Tweed be punished for her daughter’s suicide?
                  There is no statue of limitation on shitty parenting.

                • Lora asked:

                  What I don’t get is what side your on? There is much more tragedy happening in that church then the honor of Kathy Tweed. Maybe she has to take a hit for the team. Team shut the Fn Co$ down.

                  I get asked this all the time, so I repeatedly answer this question, over and over.

                  Here’s my latest explanation:

                  Does Anti-Scientology Deserve Any Criticism?

                  The truth is on all sides of a conflict, not just one.

                • Read it and okay you feel that Leah and Mike should be criticized for embellishing on their quest to expose. And somehow, you feel this is unjust to the Co$ corp that they are trying to take down. Do you support anyone who is trying to get Co$ handled? I think their actions justify their means. To give a comparison: if your local priest had raped 15 alter boys all of which came forward to parents but weren’t allowed to tell police for fear of sbeing stocked and abused by the church and you knew this as you were friends of these families, would you A: Wait for the right kid to be molested in which the family was willing to take the church head on or B. Exaggerate or embellish to get the cops to look into it?

                • So the ends justify the means?

                  That’s exactly how Scientology thinks, just flipped for Anti-Scientology.

                  Real justice means the innocent don’t get harmed, just the guilty do. When Leah lied and told the Hollywood Reporter that all Scientologists believe in pedophilia, that lie smeared all kinds of innocent people. The fact is that almost all those pedophile cover-ups in Scientology were orchestrated by Mike Rinder as the head of the Office of Special Affairs.

                  I know of no one in Scientology – who weren’t Int Base Sea Org members or were being threatened by them – who would ever cover up pedophilia anywhere.

                  Mike Rinder wants us all to believe that all Scientologists were as crazy and fanatical as he was in Scientology.

                  Wrong. As the head of the Office of Special Affairs for 22 years, working directly for David Miscavige every day, there have been very few people as crazy and fanatical in Scientology as Mike Rinder.

                  All kinds of history is being revised here, and all kinds of reality is being pasted over.

                  So I’m speaking up.

                  If more people did that in Scientology, David Miscavige would be gone.

                  So the bottom line for me, Lora, is that if lying and smearing people is wrong then it is wrong for Scientologists AND for Anti-Scientologists.

                  I’ve been around too long, and seen too much, to be a one-sided fanatic any more.

                  People need the truth to get justice. And the truth exists on all sides of the conflict.

                • “When Leah lied and told the Hollywood Reporter that all Scientologists believe in pedophilia, that lie smeared all kinds of innocent people. The fact is that almost all those pedophile cover-ups in Scientology were orchestrated by Mike Rinder as the head of the Office of Special Affairs.”

                  So which is it, the acts never happened or Rinder was in charge of the cover ups?

                  And remember our friends that are still practing tologists are getting this side of the story. They are hearing whatever MicCabbage wants them to hear.

                  Honestly, i just feel like your still really locked up in your head on this. SCN bad. All of it. And the minions that stay are part of the casualty. I bet my mom would rather know that her lifes work has been a lie, and to rebuild relationship with her grankids and the world around her, then to be sure her fellow minion’s feelngs dont get hurt.

                  “So I’m speaking up.
                  If more people did that in Scientology, David Miscavige would be gone..”

                  Spoke up on what? We are thier eyes and voice. You and I. So while you want to make sure that no one gets hurt and you are a fair and impartial anti tologist, these folks are being robbed blind. The fact that Rinder is fanatical is exactly what should motivate you to help the sheep. The wolves are going to eat them. One fanatical wolf can eat many many sheep.

                  “So the bottom line for me, Lora, is that if lying and smearing people is wrong then it is wrong for Scientologists AND for Anti-Scientologists.”

                  I say that sometimes a lie can save way more lives then the truth. This isn’t a get into heaven with a gold star contest. Its about setting the people of SNC free and arresting the scum that keeps them locked up in thier heads. Its about restoring families. Its about awareness and stopping new pre clears from entering the bldg or taking what seems like harmless personality tests. ( which is also a lie). Its about making a house a home where parents raise thier own kids and not the CO$ Corp. So white lies and name smearing.. ehh whatever. Anyone who actually makes it out with thier mind in tack won’t cry about the lies, they will cry about the time lost.

                  If you have some better groups or individuals that you feel are better to support in this cause , Im all ears.

                • You definitely express the viewpoint I used to have as an anti-Scientologist very well. I thought exactly as you have expressed here for probably 13 or 14 years.

                  I’ve just learned that I can’t do that any more.

                  It’s kinda along these lines for me now:

                  “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster… for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”

                  ― Friedrich W. Nietzsche

  3. I can’t answer your question, only Mike and Leah can.

    If Cathy is still an active Scnist, you know it’s unlikely she would have taken their phone call.

    No one can say whether conventional treatment could have saved Taylor. And, yes, you are correct, people do commit suicide even with psychiatric help.

    I think the takeaway for this episode is the reaction many Scnists have to a problem they have no solution for. Or their solution is to buy more auditing, which often adds to the problem. The last thing you want, when trying to handle a difficult, stressful situation, is to be hit up for ten’s of thousands of dollars – with no guarantee the problem will be solved.

    The Scn mindset is to apply pressure to the individual, greater than the bank can impose, so that the person “gets their ethics in”. It’s the “too gruesome” approach. It’s a harmonic of disconnection. And it IS a dispassionate, misguided “tough love” solution.

    Horribly unworkable.

    • Totally agree.

      But I think that after a person gets out of Scientology, like Leah and Mike have done, they still display the same naivete that they had as a Scientologist – that there is a standard solution that will work 100% of the time if correctly applied. They got out of Scientology and now they turn around and think that the standard non-Scientology world had all those 100% workable solutions the whole time and Scientology was just keeping them from it.

      There is no solution to things like suicide for some people. Not yet anyway. And maybe never. Newly out Exes have a hard time with that. It’s one of the worst feelings of getting over being an Ex/Anti and facing the real world again: Scientologists don’t have all the solutions and neither do non-Scientologists.

      This episode assumed that there was a solution for both these tragedies – if only Scientology would have let them have it.

      • Kicker here! They didn’t claim there was a fix in episode. They claimed that Taylor wasn’t even given a chance because Scientology would not allow Tayloe to see a medical doctor. NOT a natural path, chiropractor or so other non medical dr. As a person suffering from depression my dr did some blood work and found I don’t make enough chemical in my brain naturally. Can’t be made with vitamins or exercise. I take a small 2mg pill every day and feel great. Taylor was NEVER given this option because some author wrote a Sci-fi book about aliens and then brainwashed people into thinking it is a religion and doctors are bad and especially any doctor dealing with pychology (mental anything). Taylor is NOT the only scientologist to die or commit suicide because of mental illness. All denied medical doctors help.

        • You are partially correct. Although there was a statement in the Scientology and the Aftermath episode last night saying there was, there is actually no prohibition to keep a Scientologist from seeing a regular medical doctor. There would be prohibitions from taking what they call “psych drugs” – even if prescribed by a medical doctor.

          So what you say is partially true. And because of Scientology’s ideological beliefs about the brain, as long as Taylor and her mother were wanting to call themselves Scientologists, Taylor was cut off from that route of therapy.

          That was never her mother’s fault. And do you have any doubt that the mother was doing what she believed was the very best for her daughter? Her daughter’s suicide is a colossal catastrophe for Cathy Tweed, Taylor’s mother, and the unthinking cruelty of anti-Scientologists in blaming her for her daughter’s suicide is astounding to me here.

          Also – I should let you know – I am not going to allow any more cruelty or shaming of Cathy Tweed on this blog. So please, if you decide to answer, do not continue the shaming of Cathy Tweed which was begun by Tony Ortega, continued with Rachel Bernstein, and now continues with Leah Remini and Mike Rinder on Scientology and The Aftermath.


          • “And do you have any doubt that the mother was doing what she believed was the very best for her daughter?” When Tayler reported how Portland Org was using case-folder material to mock and abuse people, Cathy went on a campaign to isolate Tayler and render her homeless and friendless. This was totally in the interest of CoS. How can you or anyone think she was acting in Tayler’s interest?
            “Her daughter’s suicide is a colossal catastrophe for Cathy Tweed” Not according to Cathy. Now, of course many people including myself believe that she surely must feel grief inside which she is concealing under all her happy talk– but when Rachel Bernstein said so, you considered it a major offense, so aren’t you committing the same offense when you say things about Cathy’s mental state to belie what Cathy claims about how perfectly content she is to have Tayler gone?

            • Robert Eckert asked:

              “When Tayler reported how Portland Org was using case-folder material to mock and abuse people, Cathy went on a campaign to isolate Tayler and render her homeless and friendless. This was totally in the interest of CoS. How can you or anyone think she was acting in Tayler’s interest?”

              Here’s where, in order for you to understand my answer, you need to recognize the humanity in Cathy Tweed, as one of your fellow, flawed humans. This is something you have consistently failed to do, as so many of your party-bus sociopaths at the Underground Bunker have failed to do as well, and so I am not thinking of you as I write this. I am thinking of others who may only be getting your sociopathic viewpoint on Cathy Tweed.

              Your whole position is based on knowing Tayler Tweed’s reasoning for killing herself. You claim that she killed herself because her mother made those facebook posts, and those Facebook posts were the factors in Tayler’s decision-making to kill herself.

              Severely depressed people do not need any promptings from the environment to kill themselves. Many are in a delusional state and are unable to think clearly. Addicts kill themselves frequently, too. So why aren’t those factors in Tayler Tweed’s reasoning to kill herself part of your reasoning here?

              As Tony Ortega never reported, nor did Leah Remini and Mike Rinder report in their Scientology and The Aftermath show (which went out to millions of people), that Cathy Tweed sent Taylor to the University of Oregon to be studied by 10 different doctors who put her on a program. NOT a Scientology program. That is most definitely acting in Tayler’s interest and yet you do not acknowledge this.

              Why are you still ignoring the information that Cathy Tweed gave us in her video? Do you and Mike and Leah believe that Tony Ortega reported the whole story and everything any one needs to know to make a sound decision here as to why Tayler Tweed killed herself?

              “Her daughter’s suicide is a colossal catastrophe for Cathy Tweed” Not according to Cathy. Now, of course many people including myself believe that she surely must feel grief inside which she is concealing under all her happy talk– but when Rachel Bernstein said so, you considered it a major offense, so aren’t you committing the same offense when you say things about Cathy’s mental state to belie what Cathy claims about how perfectly content she is to have Tayler gone?

              Have you ever buried a child, Robert?

              How long did it take you after the funeral to not be in catastrophic grief and pretty much unaware of what you are saying and what you are doing?

              Tony Ortega got that quote off of Cathy Tweed the day after Tayler’s funeral. Rachel Bernstein used that quote, gotten the day after her daughter’s funeral, almost 2 years later to promote herself on Tony’s blog – without ever talking to Cathy Tweed to get an update. Mike Rinder and Leah Remini used that quote in their program without once ever talking to Cathy Tweed to get an update on how she’s doing with her own daughter’s suicide 3 years later.

              Your inability to recognize the humanity of Scientologists, and refusal to accept new information when it has become available to you, as you are displaying here, is very disturbing.

              If I am not mistaken, you have never been a Scientologist, is that true, Robert? Is this why you cling to that quote from the day after her daughter’s funeral and do not allow for the grief and processing of a mother who has lost her daughter to suicide? Is that why you keep using it to judge Cathy Tweed on a quote she gave the day after her daughter was buried?

              Why haven’t you mentioned anything Cathy Tweed has said in the video I posted, where she gave new information?

              I’ll tell you why: for you, (and Tony Ortega and Rachel Bernstein and now Leah Remini and Mike Rinder) Cathy Tweed’s quote from the day after she buried her daughter is AMMUNITION that you can use to get her and to get Scientology. It is literally inhumane, and it seeks to dehumanize Scientologists like Cathy Tweed.

              It is why I want nothing to do with Anti-Scientologists like yourself, like Tony Ortega, like Rachel Bernstein, and very disappointingly like Leah Remini and Mike Rinder, any more.

              The next time you post here, you are going to have to recognize this Scientologist’s humanity, or you are gone from this blog, Robert.

        • Oh, the hypocrisy. What of those poor souls who commit suicide because of psychiatric drugs? How many people subjected to psych drugs like Prozac, Zoloft, Ativan, etc. have committed suicide? Have you ever read the side effects associated with such drugs?

          Very recently Chris Cornell, a famous musician, committed suicide as a direct result of Ativan, which is a commonly prescribed anti-anxiety pill and has significantly higher risk of suicidal ideation than less powerful drugs like Valium and Xanax.

          Also quite recently Chester Bennington, another famous rock musician, committed suicide in spite of years and years of psychiatric treatment, which he felt only made him feel worse and had to give up those drugs.

          How about asking Tony Ortega to produce evidence linking the practice of Scientology to suicide and comparing such statistics to the number of people attempting and committing suicide as a result of psychiatric treatment?

          • I don’t think you can say that anyone commits suicide as a result of psychiatric treatment any more than you can say they commit suicide as a result of Scientology treatment.

            What you say about Atavin is very true, however. Risk of suicide ideation can raise while being weaned off this drug.

            Some forms of depression are very serious, and very dangerous. It’s a very risky, and very real, brain/neurological disease. Nobody has all the answers yet, neither psychiatry nor Scientology.

            I also agree, by the way, that before you can make the charge that Scientologists kill themselves at a rate higher than the rate of the general society, you need something more than anecdotal evidence, and just a bad feeling about Scientology.

            You seem fairly “dialed-in”, ZaneX. Do you have any actual quantitative study data regarding the rate of suicide for the general population vs the rate of suicide among members of the Church of Scientology?

            And by the way, welcome back to AlanzosBlog.

        • As someone who has Bipolar Disorder among other psychiatric illnesses, I can also vouch for psychiatry and psychology. On REAL meds for almost 10 years and I truly cannot imagine how horrible I would feel without this wonderful help – you know, from the field that Scientology vilifies. She had a million tests according to her mother.. and if nothing is done with those results then she has wasted her time and quite frankly the short time of her daughter’s life. I myself am a licensed social worker / therapist so this is a hot topic for me. Denying treatment has ABSOLUTELY contributed to many suicide victims in Scientology. All because your narrcisitic guru didn’t get the thumbs up from the APA. I happened to stumble on this blog and never reply but that’s how heated I am right now. SHAME ON SCIENTOLOGY.

          • So as a licensed social worker/therapist, are you saying that it is a certainty that Tayler Tweed would have never killed her self if she had just been allowed to take her meds?

            As a socialworker/therapist, you probably have the stats on pychiatric patients who commit suicide right? What are they?

            I ask because unless the suicide rate of psych-patients is zero, then you are blaming a mother for her child’s suicide and that is pretty much the lowest thing in the world. So I understand that this episode has made you angry – that’s the exact effect they were going for in you – to outrage you.

            And so you are going to take that outrage out on a mother whose daughter committed suicide?

            • Who are you? What is this solving? What is your point? She committed suicide. Her mother posted to Facebook telling people to basaclly stay away from her. The last house she was, her mother reached them to tell them to not let her live with them. She fed the fire. End of story. Aftermath speaks with folks who are EX SCIENTOLOGISTS. Why on earth would you think they would go to her. They’re speaking truth. Her Mom posted to Facebook openly about the most random crap right after the date of her daughter passing. I smell cult. It’s all so weird. Handled so oddly. How Taylor was treated was awful, and I’m pretty sure if I was under that kind of mental instability, I too would probably ended my life. Luckily I had a mom and family who loved me so hard and surrounded me, supported me, and guided me that I made it. It’s too bad. You DO NOT know if she’d be alive today because she was never given the option to find out.


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