I Cancel My Criticism of Nora Ames as a “Fake Critic of Scientology”

My criticism of Nora Ames that I made last year on her LIVE, which she courageously put up on her screen, where I said that I thought she was a “Fake Critic of Scientology” I’ve now cancelled.

Before that incident, I had every reason to believe it. She’d spent more than a decade covering up for Mike Rinder and trying to discredit his critics publicly, like me.

Since then though, she has absolutely proven to me that she is no longer doing that.

She has stopped covering up for Mike Rinder and has delivered the real and factual information we’ve all needed to make more informed decisions about him, and what he has been doing to hide all that from all of us, since he “left” Scientology in 2007.


Way to go, Nora.


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