Former ED Int Bill Franks Details Murder Plot on British MP

Bill Franks was appointed Executive Director International of the Church of Scientology in 1980 by L Ron Hubbard, after many years of working for Hubbard directly as his “organizing officer”.

Some of the information that Mr. Franks reveals during this interview paints a very different picture than many Scientologists are aware of regarding what life was like in Scientology working close to L Ron Hubbard.

Mr. Franks reveals things in this interview that I have not seen revealed anywhere else before. Hopefully law enforcement will also take note of the information here, although apparently Mr. Franks had already been interviewed by the FBI about this without any action on their part.

Mr Franks died a few years ago.

Details of this interview include:

  • Murder plots ordered on members of British Parliament by L Ron Hubbard via the Guardian’s Office
  • Hubbard-ordered surreptitious taping and framing of his wife Mary Sue to ensure she “took the fall” for him in the late 1970’s
  • David Miscavige’s rise to power in the Church of Scientology
  • L Ron Hubbard’s paranoiac thinking patterns
  • Further details on Hubbard’s development of brainwashing techniques considered by experts to be more powerful than anything developed by the North Koreans or the Communist Chinese
  • Details of Hubbard intentionally using the technology of Scientology to deceive and control Scientologists against their own self-interests
  • The first person to receive the “Introspection Rundown” was a 12 year old boy who went insane, just like Lisa McPherson did after she was given it.

I’ve written about Bill Franks before. He and I interacted a little bit before he died. He wanted me to build a website for him, which I was starting to get set up for when he disappeared. More on that in a future post.

For now, listen to this interview to see why knowledge of Bill Franks, who he was and what he revealed before he died, is so important for us all to know.

It’s weird that hardly anyone knows who Bill Franks is any more – isn’t it?

TRANSCRIPT AT 14:21 in the video:

Tom Smith (interviewer)
You had access, while you were executive director International, you had access to Guardian Office files. Did you read about any kind of fair game operations or murder plots?

Bill Franks Former COS ED Int
Yeah. Sure.

Tom Smith (interviewer)
Can you tell us about some of those?

Bill Franks Former COS ED Int
Oh, it was long time ago. And I don’t really think it’s fair to mention any names, but there were three of them all took taking place in England that that I recall.

Tom Smith (interviewer)
Okay. Were these people, public figures and politicians? I mean, what capacity were these people were these people were targets in?

Bill Franks Former COS ED Int
They were mostly MPs. Well, I guess they’re all 3 were MPs.

Tom Smith (interviewer)
Members of the Parliament of Parliament. So House of Lords? house of commons?

Bill Franks Former COS ED Int

Tom Smith (interviewer)
House of Commons. Okay. Wow. It was to fair game them or just to kill them or What?

Bill Franks Former COS ED Int
No, they were they were ordered to be killed.

Tom Smith (interviewer)
Do you know if that ever happened or…?”

Bill Franks Former COS ED Int
In one case, I know it was done.

Tom Smith (interviewer)
Oh, my goodness.

Bill Franks Former COS ED Int
Yeah, there were a couple cases. In other cases, I don’t. I don’t know.

Tom Smith (interviewer)
So the Guardian office actually had one of those MPs murdered.

Bill Franks Former COS ED Int

Tom Smith (interviewer)
And this was a man not a woman a man.

Bill Franks Former COS ED Int
As I recall was a man. Yeah.

Tom Smith (interviewer)