When someone hears about the Scientology murder made to look like suicide of Kyle Brennan, they usually go to Google and type in a search on “Kyle Brennan Scientology“.
They are presented with two articles that provide the Church of Scientology’s cover-up “shore story” on the death of Kyle Brennan, which defies all the evidence in the case, and which diverts attention from the fact that Kyle Brennan did not commit suicide, but was murdered.
Mike Rinder, Leah Remini & Aaron Smith Levin do the same thing. And then they call anyone who points out the evidence in this case “OSA Agents”.
Imagine that.
The Evidence That The Scientology Death of Kyle Brennan Could Not Have Been a Suicide

Why would there be no gun powder residue evidence from Kyle’s body?
This is the evidence that Victoria Britton, Kyle Brennan’s mother, has lived with since the night she received the phone call from Denise Miscavige’s husband that Kyle had died.
Scientology Has Been Rigging the Search Results on Kyle Brennan Scientology for Over a Decade
Here are some of the lies in the rigged story Scientology keeps propping up in search results on this topic:
TAMPA (CN) – A 20-year-old man killed himself after a “chaplain” for the Church of Scientology convinced his father, a Scientologist, to take his son’s Lexapro antidepressant away from him, the man’s mother claims in Federal Court.
This is not what Victoria Britton has ever claimed, especially in the court case Brennan v Church of Scientology.
“Kyle Thomas Brennan apparently shot himself in the head with a .357 Magnum on Feb. 16, 2007, his mother, Victoria Britton, says in her federal complaint.”
This is absolutely not what Kyle Brennan’s mother claimed in federal court. It is an all-out lie.
Britton says that neither she nor her disabled son were Scientologists.
“disabled” son.
Kyle was not disabled in any way. If you are familiar with how David Miscavige and Mike Rinder and Marty Rathbun lie about their ‘enemies’, you can see their evil footprints all over this article.
She says that “one or more of the defendants” gave her son access to his father’s loaded .357 Magnum, and that on Feb. 16, 2007, “while in a mentally deteriorated state caused by the abrupt denial of his prescription Lexapro, and with ready access to the loaded .357 Magnum, Kyle Brennan was found dead with a gunshot to his head from the .357 Magnum pistol with neither the pistol nor the bullets having any identifiable fingerprints.”
This is Scientology’s shore story. It defies all the evidence in the case above – except for one claim – ‘found dead with a gunshot to his head from the .357 Magnum pistol with neither the pistol nor the bullets having any identifiable fingerprints.’
That is correct. But the bullet that killed Kyle was never found. And there were no fingerprints on the gun or any bullets BECAUSE THEY HAD BEEN WIPED CLEAN AT THE MURDER SCENE.
Victoria Britton Responds to the Content of This Scientology Article
I contacted Victoria about these articles that are being propped up to the top of Google search results for almost 14 years. She told me she never said these things as they are reported in the article.
Here’s what she told me:
“I’ve been trying to get that article removed. When it was first published, I contacted the writer and challenged the article’s content. He told me that Scientology lawyers paid him to write it.
“At some point, the journalist removed his name, blocked me, and had the piece attributed to Court House News Staff.’
“I’ve also attempted to remove the work written by Tom Tobin, who has never spoken to me and did not attend the appeal hearing. I will have more time in the coming months to do whatever I can to get them removed.”
See for yourself how Scientology is rigging the search results on the search terms “Kyle Brennan Scientology” by going to google and typing that search term in. They want concerned people to see their cover up shore story before any other information about this Scientology crime sinks in.
They want you to think “poor Victoria. She’s so grief stricken she’s been lying about the death of her own son.”
It is profane what Scientology is doing here. And it is profane what Aaron Smith Levin has done.
If you have a Twitter Account, Facebook Account, access to Reddit – if you have a Youtube channel – PLEASE HELP VICTORIA BRITTON GET THESE LIES ABOUT THE DEATH OF KYLE BRENNAN TAKEN DOWN.
Do not be silent about this any longer.
Contact Victoria Britton at her website: SCIENTOLOGY AND THE TRUTH FOR KYLE BRENNAN and help her in any way she asks. Don’t just sit there, playing “werewolves” and being mealy-mouthed about Scientology “abuses”.
Don’t be distracted away from Scientology’s indictable criminal acts. Those criminal indictments are what they fear the most and they will do anything to avoid them.
People have been murdered.
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