Lloyd Evans is a long time AntiCult Youtuber in the AntiCult space, having been in the Jehovah’s Witnesses for many years. He has a large youtube following and many Patreon supporters.
Recently, a close confidante revealed he had hired prostitutes in Thailand during some of his many retreats there.
Prostitution is legal in Thailand, but this doesn’t stop all those Ex-JW anticultists from completely wigging out out him.
He issued this statement from his Facebook page:

NOTE: Kim Silvio, Lloyd’s long time friend and confidante, explains in detail the moral considerations she struggled with before going public with these aspects of Lloyd’s private life. I see this differently now. Will write a post about it once their video is up.
Prostitution is actually illegal in Thailand. And he admitted to getting hookers in Croatia (illegal there too)…Not a great look advocating for abuse victims using money donated at least in part by them on this stuff. Pa Tong Thailand and Croatia are notorious hotbeds of human trafficking. Lloyd is a disgusting manchild who blames everyone but himself. What an absolute psychopath that he’d expect Kim Silvio to simply sit on what she’d learned.
You’re right. I wrote this post before I understood all the issues. Since then I’ve seen what Kim Silvio has had to say and watched most all of the brilliant and hilarious work that ExJWs have done on this. #LloydGate is one of the greatest things I’ve seen Exes do since I left Scientology 22 years ago.
Sorry for jumping the gun here. I’ll be writing a follow up on LloydGate soon.