Marty Rathbun’s 2nd Video on Leah Remini’s Scientology & the Aftermath

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Marty brings up the promise of legal action by Mike and Leah at the end of Season 1 of Scientology & the Aftermath. Marty claims that he and Mike went to a top-tier legal firm just like Leah and Mike did in the last episode of the show.

Marty says that the legal firm told Mike and Marty that there was nothing to prosecute so many years earlier.

Was the final episode of Season 1 of Scientology & the Aftermath all just emotional manipulation? Did Leah and Mike know the whole time that they would be told by these attorneys that there would be nothing to prosecute – but they did it just to manipulate viewers of the show with a cliff-hanger ending to the Season?

Marty says he knew what was going to happen in Season 2 – they were going to “get the reject card”.

Yet we never heard anything about what the attorneys told them in Episode 1 of Season 2 of Scientology and the Aftermath.

Where did all that suspenseful, cliff hanger drama go?

Are we just being prestidigitated away from the truth of what happened in this meeting with the attorneys? Are we, with kitten brains, just pouncing at the red laser light they are pointing at us to pounce on – Looking wherever they want us to look and never looking at what is actually happening?

How come no one is asking Mike and Leah what happened at the attorney’s office? If Tony Ortega was really an unbiased journalist who was not trying to manipulate you – shouldn’t he have written at least one post asking this question?

If you are an Ex-Scientologist, and have gotten yourself out of the deception and the manipulative prestidigitation of the Church of Scientology (which Mike Rinder was heavily involved in while he ran OSA), why would you ever put up with this kind of manipulation from Leah and Mike and Tony Ortega after Scientology?

3 thoughts on “Marty Rathbun’s 2nd Video on Leah Remini’s Scientology & the Aftermath”

  1. To answer your last question why I put up with Mike Rinder, Leah or Tony Ortega is actually a leading question to solicit responses from readers here on your blog. And here is my response.

    I am an ex-scientologist, and I have gotten myself out of the deception and the manipulative prestidigitation of the Church of Scientology as well as the LRH,

    Why would I ever put up with Mike Rinder and Leah and Tony Ortega after I was involved in scientology?

    Pretty simple, no clears or ot’s. And they seem to be exposing that truth.

    • You mean the truth like Scientologists believe in pedophilia?

      And what about what the attorneys told them at the end of Season 1? Why haven’t we heard anything more about that?

      I know that you don’t like to evaluate the rhetoric that is presently controlling you – only the rhetoric which controlled you before – but if you learned anything in getting out of Scientology it’s that you should never stop evaluating the rhetoric that is presently controlling you.

      • I answered your question and I think that should never be forgotten, logically speaking, and regardless of rhetoric but one of the components of rhetoric is logic or logos.


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