Trauma Bonding With Gerry Armstrong

My latest video on Mike Rinder and Marty Rathbun taking over the discussion of Scientology on the Internet in order to revise history and distract from Scientology’s crimes, and the perplexing mystery of how the Church of Scientology was ever granted tax exempt status, even through their criminality had been proven – in court – for decades.


Trauma bonding with Gerry Armstrong.

So, the title of this is a joke, of course, because I can’t tell you a person who has been more fair gamed by the Church of Scientology and for whom it shows not one wit.

I’ve mentioned that there are that the Church of Scientology has spent decades installing their own agents in the anti Scientology community and making them into stalwart members of anti Scientology where they couldn’t possibly be working for the Church of Scientology. And yet, you will find them attacking Gerry Armstrong. They will be using all of the rhetoric that they used in order to gain their tax exempt status, when they mentioned Gerry Armstrong 145 times in their filings to the IRS, stating that he was insane.

And the reason they stated he was insane, was because he had won so many court cases against them. Look up the Breckenridge decision. Okay. That is Judge Breckenridge, who from the bench during one of Gerry Armstrong’s lawsuits against the Church of Scientology, called Scientology and L. Ron Hubbard, pathological liars, all kinds of stuff because Gerry proved all of it in court.

And so all those court cases were a problem for Marty Rathbun, Mike Rinder and David Miscavige, Marty, Mike and Dave, when they were going to the IRS trying to get, by hook or by crook, tax exemption. The IRS was saying you know, what about these Gerry Armstrong decisions? Where it’s clear, you guys practice fair game? You do all of these things. We can’t give tax exemption to somebody who does these horrific things.

And I’m sure, I don’t know, I haven’t heard this but I’m sure they might have mentioned that Mary Sue Hubbard, and you know, 10 other top Scientologists who went to prison for infiltrating government offices and stealing their files on Scientology. That had to have come up to during these negotiations. So I don’t know how they handle that. But they seem to have handled that with the IRS, and with the Justice Department, and with the FBI, and all of these people.

They seem to have high handled that Mary Sue Hubbard, the wife of L. Ron Hubbard, and 10 other top officials were convicted of conspiracy and all kinds of stuff and sent to federal prison. Somehow they overcame that.

But when it came to Gerry Armstrong, and all of these, all of these court cases that he had won against them, were under oath and under the rules of evidence, they had totally proven what a criminal organization Scientology was. The way Marty Mike and Dave handled it was just by calling Gerry Armstrong insane it’s just like, it’s a total Scientology thing to do.

You want to discredit the attacker, and all they could do was call him insane. And guess what? The IRS accepted that too without a psychiatrist, without any kind of expert testimony of any kind, nothing. Based solely on the words of Marty, Mike and Dave. The heads of Scientology. Quack therapy. They became psychiatric experts for the IRS. And they said Gerry’s crazy. And the IRS says, “Well, all right. That’s all we have to hear!” And they granted them tax exemption on that.

And then we see Mike Rinder coming out from Int Base after Senator Nick Xenophon called Scientology a criminal organization on the floor of the Australian Senate. And monthly global protests outside the Church of Scientology were happening because of the Anonymous movement.

Marty and Mike came out, they escaped. They escape is theses big, dramatic escapes, and they end up on the internet.

And the thing they start doing is they start revising history. They start doing all kinds of stuff, in order to hide all of the stuff they need to hide, to keep their own asses out of jail and to preserve the tax exemption.

And one of those was talking about how Gerry Armstrong is crazy. And so, as Mike Rinder continued to take over all criticism of the Church of Scientology, my head was exploding. Okay. And I was, here and there I was in contact with Gerry Armstrong, and Gerry’s head doesn’t really explode.

Gerry laughs and giggles okay, if you want to know one, one thing about Gerry Armstrong, he’s a giggler. He giggles about stuff. And he goes on these tangents which are hilarious kinds of tangents that make fun of what’s going on. And so you just ended up giggling a lot when you talk to Gerry. And one of the things that we would giggle about is, you know how Mike Rinder Oh, he was just a former spokesman.

Do you realize that for five or six years? Leah Remini and Aaron Smith Levin and the whole aftermath crew, including Nora Ames and everybody else. They were all covering up for Mike Rinder being CO OSA by calling him “he’s just a former spokesman Alonzo he wouldn’t have known any of these things that were done against critics!”

I swear to God, this is part of history, which nobody knows anymore. And this was making me insane. It was making Gerry giggle but it was making me insane. And it’s where I got my reputation for attacking critics. Okay, because I was attacking Mike Rinder and Tony Ortega, who was if you if you type in if you do a site search on Tony Ortegas underground bunker and you do a site search on the the phrase “former spokesman” you will see hundreds of hits where Tony Ortega’s job was obviously to call Mike Rinder a former spokesman only, never say “top henchmen” CO OSA nothing like that. And so I’m going crazy.

Okay, and I am doing my best to get the word out that Mike Rinder was not a former spokesman. He was the CO OSA. He ran all fair game on all critics. And Marty Rathbun ran all fair game on all squirrels. Squirrels are people who sell Scientology technology without paying a cut to the Church of Scientology.

Shelly Miscavige, her mother was considered a squirrel, Flo Barnett, ended up getting the OT levels to a squirrel group David Mayo’s squirrel group. And for that, as Jessie Prince writes in his book, Marty Rathbun are a special project L was set upon flo Barnett.

By the way, Jesse Prince is another person who has never shut up about what he knows and about how Mike Rinder was revising history, etc. And for that, Jesse Prince was also marginalized from the aftermath crew, such as Mike Rinder Leah Remini. Aaron Smith, Levin Nora Crest. All of these people were covering up for Mike Rinder and attacking anyone who was talking about the truth of Mike Rinder.

So, again, you know, you have to you have to understand that this is where I got my reputation. This is where I turned into a person that everyone hates. Because I’d never once put up with anything regarding this Mike Rinder, Marty Rathbun takeover.

I did participate on Marty’s blog and there was a point well, Marty was suing the Church of Scientology, that it appeared to me that he was, you know, had really changed. But I’ve since been disabused of that idea. And that’s because you don’t know the degree to which the Church of Scientology engages in deceptive practices. That make things appear in ways that they are absolutely not.

So I’ll tell you I’ll give you another example of this. Jane Doe #3, I knew that Jane Doe #3, had been interviewed by Scientology in the Aftermath in their first season. And yet, that interview did not appear.

And in Season 2, Tony Ortega lied about that, saying that they were on a “well deserved break in the middle of Season 2 after just having won an Emmy for Season 1. Then later he said they were being threatened by Scientology’s lawyers never to mention Danny Masterson’s name. So in the second season, when that interview had not appeared, then, you know, I was noticing it as a huge gaping hole. I was writing about Scientology and the Aftermath, reviewing each of the episodes as they were coming on, from my viewpoint of having been out for a long time.

And they’re all saying Alanzo is a horrible person. He’s, he’s a, let’s see what they say about me. They didn’t actually use the term “spinning malcontent”…. but he’s a “critic of critics”. He’s, he’s “anti anti”, you know, all of this stuff. And this was, you know, spearheaded by Aaron Smith-Levin Nora Crest and to the rest of the crew, which I also documented on my blog.

So in the third season, when they had not aired Jane Doe #3’s interview, I contacted Jane Doe #3. And I said, “Hey, you do know that Mike Rinder was CO OSA while you are going into CC reporting what had happened with Danny Masterson in 2002, Right?”

And she goes “WHAT? I thought he was just a former spokesman!”

See, so Leah Remini and Mike Rinder had told Jane Doe #3 that Mike was just a former spokesman and that he had no idea about anything that was going on with regard to Danny Masterson, which is an absolute lie. Which I have also proved regarding Danny Masterson, and regarding a bunch of CSA that would go on.

Mike Rinder himself, because he’s lied so much, can’t remember his lies. And so I have taken his own words and proven that he was lying about Danny Masterson and lying about CSA.

Aaron Smith Levin, in the last phone conversation that Aaron Smith Levin and I had, around seven years ago ended, Aaron hung up on me when I had proven to him that Mike Rinder made all the choices on all CSA in the Church of Scientology. He decided whether they were going to refrain from prosecuting the person or whether they were going to hand the person over to the police. I know of two incidents where each occurred. Mike Rinder was CEO OSA he was the guy and Mike Rinder has admitted that he was the guy that handled all of these claims because they were so serious and such a threat to the church.

See CO OSA basically means protector of the church.

So, Gerry Armstrong knows all of this, okay, he lived it. He worked with L Ron Hubbard, he worked with David Miscavige. He – I don’t know if he worked with Mike Rinder. Mike Rinder might have come on board a little bit later, but Norman Starkey and all the others.

These were the people that when Gerry Armstrong was reading L Ron Hubbard’s personal papers in order to organize them for Omar Garrison, the chosen LRH biographer, he went to Dave, and Norman and all of these other people and said, “Hey, man, we’ve been lying about L. Ron Hubbard and his war record, and everything else in the About the Author sections of each of the books that we’ve published. We can’t do this. This is fraud.”

And they turned around on him, and they tried to kill him. They tried to run them off the road. They tried to do anything they could. And that’s what started Gerry Armstrong’s lawsuits, which he just wiped the floor with them in the 80s and which they had to overcome in order to gain tax exemption in the 90s.

It is still a mystery how the Church of Scientology was able to overcome such proven criminality, proven in courts of law, and still gain tax exemption.

In fact, the agreement with the IRS to gain tax exemption is a secret document. Here you have a church in the United States, who has applied for tax exemption and received it and the agreement is secret. Now others, some people have been reporting on it, the Wall Street Journal did I think New York Times might have but none of them have really addressed how it is that an organization whose top people such as Mary Sue Hubbard, was criminally convicted and sent to prison and then in court, civil suits, proved their criminal nature and how they overcame all that and gained tax exemption. It’s a bizarre thing.

And Gerry Armstrong is the surviving person who was right in the middle of it. And when you know that, the way they overcame Gerry, all Gerry Armstrong’s drubbings have them in court by calling Gerry Armstrong crazy and you see Mike Rinder and Aaron Smith Levin, calling Gerry crazy. You know what’s happening, don’t you?

Gerry wrote a very good blog post about this about Mike Rinder called Keeping Scientology’s Tax Exemption Working.

So, again, I’m traumatized by all this. I, you know, I’m being I’m writing about it, and I’m being attacked by all of these other exes. And I’m trying to say it just over and over. “Mike Rinder was not a former spokesman. He was the CO OSA. He ran all fair game on all critics. Marty ran it on all squirrels” and nobody’s listening and everybody is saying I’m an “anti anti” I’m a “critic of critics”. I’m, you know, discredit this discredit that. I just, I was begging my head up against the wall at all this and Gerry has been like this guy. He’s like, “okay, Alonzo, are you eating all right? Are you making sure you’re exercising? I have found throughout all this kind of stressful stuff, that exercise is absolutely key. You’ve got to you’ve got to exercise you’ve got to eat right”, and all that.

And so if there was any if there was any kind of trauma bond between Gerry and Armstrong and I that would be about it.

Gerry though, just doesn’t do trauma.

He handles stress better than anybody I’ve ever seen. And I think that is a testament to how it is that he is both the most fair gamed person in Scientology history, and the most winningest critic in Scientology history.

You know, one of the things that I think was Marty Mike and Dave’s strategy was that in addition to discrediting Gerry Armstrong and keeping him off the aftermath show, keeping him off and out of the the, the limelight of any discussion of Scientology – which all of these critics went along with by the way, Tori Chrisman recently said, you don’t know what knows about Gerry Armstrong. Well, no shit Tori. Like, why are you coming back now? Talking about no one knows about Gerry Armstrong. Why don’t you share some of his videos? Why don’t you share some of his blog posts? Why don’t you just start talking about Gerry Armstrong?

Why does Aaron Smith Levin have to have Gerry Armstrong on his show in order to talk about Gerry Armstrong, you know, he talks about Mike Rinder all the time now, and he doesn’t have Mike Rinder on his show to talk about him. See, I think I know in Aaron Smith Levin’s case, I think I know why because he was so thoroughly duped by Mike Rinder that he, you know, was calling Gerry insane and the guy who talks to his air conditioner. Yeah, Mike’s told me all about him. Okay. There is no bigger dupe regarding no bigger tube of mic renders and then Aaron Smith Levin when it comes to all this. And so he contacts Gerry Armstrong and tries to get him on the show. And sure, he’s like, Gary’s like, you know, you you were completely he didn’t tell him this flat out and these are my words, not Gerry’s, but basically, he said, you know, you were duped for so many years. By Mike Rinder. I, I don’t know like, why you would come on your show. So what what Gerry did was he said, he said, Aaron, like two or three links to his vast web resources, where he has done everything to simply document, document, document everything and he wanted Aaron to read those to come up to speed on him if he was going to be Gerry’s interviewer. Since then, Aaron has said, yeah, he wanted me to go to his website and study for hours about him before he would come on my show. Okay, Aaron is lying about that. So after so many years of being duped by Mike Rinder and Colin Gerry Armstrong insane, and doing whatever he can to call anybody like me or anybody else, who’s supported Gerry, crazy and just try to discredit and try to de platformed them and get them, you know, out of out of the conversation. Now, he’s now that he’s mad at Mike Rinder, supposedly, Gary Armstrong supposed to just hop right on the show. So, all right. But, you know, again, Gerry doesn’t have any animosity towards Aaron Smith Levin. He just sees through him. That’s all and he giggles I I have I have gotten I have I have animosity towards Aaron Smith Levin. And in my mind, it’s well deserved. Okay. Well deserved. So so as far as you know, I’ve called this trauma bonding with Gerry Armstrong just because I like that title. But, if anything, Gerry is a healing force for me. He grounds me he gets me giggling. He reminds me to eat well and to continue to exercise. And I for that I am like, eternally grateful.

And if you’ll remember, I’ve talked about how it was Gerry Armstrong and Stacy Brooks, and a couple of other people on alt religion Scientology, who got me out of Scientology, who provided me with the information necessary for me to finally make informed decisions about my own involvement in Scientology. When I first hit ARS, I was still kind of a Scientologist. And these people who I knew were SPS. They were still kind of SPs to me. And they turned all of that around. Not by love bombing me or doing anything like that. But by just giving the information that I needed in order to understand what the hell’s going on. And I checked out that information, and it was true. And that’s when I got myself out of being a Scientologist. Back in 1999 and 2000. And I started writing about them I started trying to help expose them and their, their ot levels and and fair game activities. And they came after me they got me fired for my job, etc, etc. The whole the whole thing. So, Gerry Armstrong was instrumental in getting me out of Scientology.

So I spoke to Gerry last night. He’s doing great, like really great. He has a very vigorous, physical, he’s 79 years old, or he’s going to be 79 I think, and he has this very vigorous physical job, where he stays in good shape. And his wife Caroline, they eat dandelions, they fried fried dandelions, which is… okay, you know, they’re health, they’re Health Nuts. They’re both doing fantastic.

And they’re funny, and they’re fun to talk to. Anyway, so no one needs to worry about Gerry Armstrong or Carolyn Letkeman. They’re doing great.

And Gerry is doing great and he is moving forward, as he always has, in pursuit of justice for himself, and justice for other victims of Scientology. So keep watching Gerry Armstrong, because he’s continuing to produce very experienced and targeted criticism of the Church of Scientology. A link to his web resources is below in this video.

So once again, thank everybody. I think I want to thank everybody who’s been supportive of me, for being supportive of me. I know that sometimes I’m a difficult person to support because I can engage in a bunch of stuff. I just don’t want to take any shit anymore. I just don’t.

And so if you would, please remember to like this video to subscribe to share this video. Just do. I appreciate all your support, and I hope that you continue to support me.

I gotta say, though, that I know this whole support game from the community. And I don’t really play it because support can always be taken away from you. For whatever reason, and these people that act in like these flocks, okay? They follow certain people, what certain people say, and if a certain person doesn’t like you, you’re out.

And I don’t care. I don’t care. I can’t care. I hope you understand that. So any anybody who does support me, thank you very much.

Over and out.

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