Update on the “WHERE’S DOUG???” Sitch: Chow Yun Smut, Doug’s Channel Mod, Has a Cryptic Update

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The update which is a non-update for all those worried about Doug, is in the first few minutes of this 3 hour video:

…so I did just get a message from somebody who just put it up couple hours ago saying that there’s a family member involved with our missing person – the person for whom we have heard nothing in the last week.

Rumor has it that there’s a family member involved. And they’re trying to talk people down from whatever extreme things they may be thinking of doing. Which sounds reasonable. I know that aside from his mom, Doug also has a sister ….

And so yeah, if there’s if there’s a family member there who’s got things being taken care of. Then I’m stepping back. I mean, there’s literally nothing that I can do anyway. Except worry. Which doesn’t really get me anywhere.

Um, yeah. So if he’s got a family member involved, nothing we can really do. I mean there was nothing we could do anyway. Right. And if that family member is trying to talk people down, off the ledge, from doing things that are truly bonkers then that’s pretty fucking smart. So, we are we are all worried right? And with every reason to be…

And so there you go.

An update on Doug.

A family member is involved and they want to “talk people down off the ledge from doing something bonkers.”

I’ll never understand this dismissive and denigrating attitude about people who obviously care about, and are worried about, the safety of Doug Kramer.

But that’s all we have today, on Day 7, of “WHERE’S DOUG???”

Update from Steven Mango as of 1 hour ago, 330pm MST.
steven mango update on doug kramer

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