Top Gun: Maverick – Scarred For Life

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I went to see Tom Cruise’s latest movie “Top Gun: Maverick” and I’m seeking therapy for the trauma.

The trauma I experienced came from realizing this was one of the coolest movies I’ve ever seen, that Scientology OT Tom Cruise is STILL the top movie star on the planet, and that nothing any Scientology critic has ever said or done has even put a chink in his success…well, it’s unbearable.

I’m scarred for life.

Even with all the blunders Cruise himself has committed that would obliterate any other actor’s career. My God. Sumner Redstone himself went to the press in 2006 and told them he’d kicked Tom Cruise off the Paramount lot because they don’t have any space for anyone “who is trying to ruin their career”. That just isn’t done in Hollywood. Yet Sumner Redstone, who is now known as “the man who fired Tom Cruise”, did it.

And even that didn’t work.

I went to see this movie while on vacation in an historic air force town. After two weeks playing at the theater on a Saturday matinee, it was packed. The crowd clearly loved it. The movie cost $130 million to make. Going into this weekend, it had already earned $650 million world wide.

I am shattered.

I don’t know if I can go on knowing that all the attempts to make Tom Cruise the most hated person in the world have failed.

Of course, Tom Cruise had nothing to do with the Scientology deaths of Kyle Brennan, Ken Ogger, or David Miscavige’s mother-in-law – Shelly Miscavige’s mom – Flo Barnett. But still. He’s been associated with Miscavige as a friend of his, so by going after Tom Cruise’s Hollywood career, we’ll obviously get those Scientology murders made to look like suicides investigated.


Driving home from the movie theater I had the thought:

“Maybe if we stop attacking things that have nothing to do with the specific criminal activity of specific criminals and started focusing on those specific criminals and their specific crimes, we might be more effective as critics, and less impotent.”


I’m devastated.

Maybe Rachel Bernstein will take me on as a patient. So I can spend the rest of my life in “recovery from Scientology” after leaving it 22 years ago.

1 thought on “Top Gun: Maverick – Scarred For Life”

  1. Actually, we should rejoice at TC’s success in rehabilitating his image, career, and PR. Why? He did it without using Scientology. During the decade between 2000 and 2010 he was “On Source”. And I do mean on source with fanatical dedication. He was all in. He and Davey Miscavige were practically twins. His Scientology sister became his agent. He let the CoS choose his next wife, complete with her conversion. And it failed. Totally failed. He almost lost his career for good. He became a laughingstock worldwide.

    So, the take-a-way is that Scientology does NOT work. He may still be a Scientologist, which he is. But he doesn’t use LRH Tech or Policies to govern or guide his career any longer. He has a Hollywood professional agent again. He’s not Slappy’s twin any longer. He no longer talks about any of it publicly anymore. Doesn’t promote it.

    Result? His star status is bigger than ever.

    Slappy must be beside himself. Lol…


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