AlanzosBlog Is Going in a Different Direction

I can see now that “Cults vs AntiCults” will never lead to anything productive.

Human beings hate anyone who believe differently than they do. You can not single out the specific criminal actions of specific individuals who need to be brought to justice if they are part of a minority or different religion. Their specific crimes against their specific victims will always be generalized and smeared into the group to which they belong.

So from now on, as I always have, I will name the individuals and their specific criminals acts without regard to their their religious affiliation.

And by productive I mean:



My present youtube channel, which is only one of many that proceeded it, was birthed in anger. My supposed “friends” and “allies” in anti-Scientology – because I would not let them tell me what to write or control me in any other way – all told everyone else I’d “gone back into Scientology” or was “working for OSA”.

That made me mad.

And so recently, I branched out from my blog to reach new people with my youtube channel. Unfortunately, I was too angry to make any real sense to a wider audience.

Oh well.

I’m not ever going to be part of the sympathy-grift that so many youtube Scn Exes are now running. I am totally embarrassed by them and completely done. I’ve decided that they are too duped and too greedy to ever get it.

*People have been murdered.*

Fk all y’all and your Ex-Scientology sympathy grifts.

We need justice for Scientology’s victims.



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